2014-10-27 52 views

我想刪除我的表中的空行。我必須將它設置爲我的控制器中的空對象,或者我得到一個錯誤消息Cannot read property 'push' of undefined. Note that I do not get this error in my plunkr when I comment out the empty object in the controller. not sure why i dont need it in the plunkr but I need it in my project. [plunkr][1]如何刪除初始空錶行

$scope.question = { 
    options: [{}], 
    option: { number: ''} 

$scope.addOption = function() { 
    //clear out the option 
     $scope.question.option = {number: '', description: ''} 




$scope.question = { 
    options: [], 
    option: { 
     number: '' 

var app = angular.module('app', []); 

app.controller('fCtrl', function($scope) { 

    $scope.question = { 
    options: [], 
    option: { 
     number: '' 

    $scope.addOption = function() { 
    //clear out the option 
    $scope.question.option = { 
     number: '', 
     description: '' 

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script> 
<div ng-app="app"> 
    <div ng-controller="fCtrl"> 
     <tr ng-repeat="question in question.options"> 

     <button ng-click="addOption()">Add</button> 


你能告訴我怎麼它適用於本http://plnkr.co/edit/wtxQT4cJ1oFYkMHw0ji4?p=preview – texas697 2014-10-27 15:26:46


@ user3919120請參閱http://plnkr.co/edit/n8sEWMLuxvZkVGBhjl6h?p=preview – sylwester 2014-10-27 15:31:51