- 閱讀我的2個文本文件到「結構的數組」(這是它如何措辭上我的任務)。
typedef struct { int eventid; char eventdate[20]; char venuename[20]; char country[20]; int rockid; } Venue;
- 動態地從文件
Venue *(places[20]);
void load_data(void)
char buffer[20]; //stating that each line can't be longer than 20 chars
int i = 0,len; //declaring 2 int variables
FILE * venuePtr=fopen("venueinfo.txt", "r");
if (venuePtr != NULL)
printf("\n**Venue info file has been opened!**\n");
printf("\nPlease create a file named venueinfo.txt and restart!\n");
} //so far so good...
while (!feof(venuePtr)){ //while we have not found the eof key...
fscanf(venuePtr,"%s",buffer); //we scan each line of text
len = strlen(buffer); //find the length (len) of the string
places[i]=(char*)malloc(len+1); //allocate memory space for the word here
strcpy(places[i],buffer); //copy a word into our array
++i; //finally we move on to the next element in the array
} //end while
1 Jan10 Citadel Belgium 8
4 May05 Sunrise Belize 6
3 Jun17 Footloose Brazil 4
如果你會說出你期望發生的事情,以及你不想要發生的事情,這將有所幫助。 – qaphla
您需要考慮的事項是:數據如何存儲在您的文件中?它是在分隔的領域?數據的格式是什麼?確定之後,您需要考慮使用strtok的sscanf來解析數據,並將其複製到您的結構字段中。 – Baldrick
更新了我的文章。謝謝。 – user2884601