2012-05-21 30 views

我一個做一個奇怪的項目,並尋找一些短期的,簡單的數據包轉換爲音頻 - 送他們過一個(物理)無線電 - 然後接收和他們在其他設備上進行解碼(想想 - 帶音頻輸出插孔和GSM/GPRS型無線電的嵌入式設備)。來源爲好,簡單,軟調制解調器庫

(I 使用物理,現有的外部無線電)。




似乎從發送方的任何基本音調發生器開始工作。在接收端,你可能需要一個基於FFT的頻率檢測器。從那裏,你可以通過各種自定義協議瞭解糾錯和避免的手段。 – bbum


@bbum:如果您知道頻率,則FFT不是必需的。我認爲一個相對短的過濾器(FIR)和一些邏輯將會很好。 –


@Alex謝謝!我是第一個承認我的信號過濾技能完全不足的人!我希望有人會在這個問題上給出一個很好的答案,因爲我對學習很感興趣(這聽起來像一個整潔的項目!) – bbum







#include <stdio.h> 
#include <string.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <limits.h> 
#include <math.h> 

#ifndef M_PI 
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979324 

typedef unsigned char uchar, uint8; 
typedef signed char schar, int8; 
typedef unsigned short ushort, uint16; 
typedef short int16; 
typedef unsigned int uint; 
typedef unsigned long ulong; 
typedef int int32; 
typedef unsigned int uint32; 
typedef long int32; 
typedef unsigned long uint32; 
typedef long long int64; 
typedef unsigned long long uint64; 

typedef struct 
    double x, y; 
} tComplex; 

tComplex complexAdd(const tComplex* a, const tComplex* b) 
    tComplex c; 
    c.x = a->x + b->x; 
    c.y = a->y + b->y; 
    return c; 

tComplex complexMul(const tComplex* a, const tComplex* b) 
    tComplex c; 
    c.x = a->x * b->x - a->y * b->y; 
    c.y = a->x * b->y + a->y * b->x; 
    return c; 

void dft(tComplex out[], const tComplex in[], size_t n, int direction) 
    size_t k, i; 
    for (k = 0; k < n; k++) 
    tComplex r = { 0, 0 }, e; 
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) 
     e.x = cos(-2 * direction * M_PI/n * ((double)k - n/2) * ((double)i - n/2)); 
     e.y = sin(-2 * direction * M_PI/n * ((double)k - n/2) * ((double)i - n/2)); 
     e = complexMul(&e, &in[i]); 
     r = complexAdd(&r, &e); 
    out[k] = r; 

#define FILTER_LENGTH 64 

typedef struct tTx 
    } State; 

    uint SampleRate; 
    uint OnesFreq; 
    uint ZeroesFreq; 
    uint BitRate; 

    uint32 SampleCnt; 
    uint BitSampleCnt; 
    uint Data; 
    uint DataLeft; 

    double Phase; 
    double PhaseIncrement; 

    uint (*pTxGetDataCallBack)(struct tTx*, uint8*); 
} tTx; 

void TxInit(tTx* pTx, 
      uint SampleRate, 
      uint (*pTxGetDataCallBack)(tTx*, uint8*)) 
    memset(pTx, 0, sizeof(*pTx)); 
    pTx->State = stSendingOnes; 
    pTx->SampleRate = SampleRate; 
    pTx->OnesFreq = 1300; 
    pTx->ZeroesFreq = 2100; 
    pTx->BitRate = 1200; 
    pTx->pTxGetDataCallBack = pTxGetDataCallBack; 

    pTx->SampleCnt = 0; 
    pTx->BitSampleCnt = pTx->SampleRate; 
    pTx->Data = 0; 
    pTx->DataLeft = 0; 
    pTx->Phase = 0.0; 
    pTx->PhaseIncrement = 2 * M_PI * pTx->OnesFreq/pTx->SampleRate; 

int16 TxGetSample(tTx* pTx) 
    int16 sample; 

    if (pTx->State == stSendingOnes && 
     pTx->SampleCnt >= pTx->SampleRate) 
    // Sent 1 second worth of 1's, can now send data 
    pTx->State = stSendingData; 

    if (pTx->State == stSendingData && 
     pTx->BitSampleCnt >= pTx->SampleRate) 
    // Another data bit can now be sent 
    uint8 d; 

    pTx->BitSampleCnt -= pTx->SampleRate; 

    if (!pTx->DataLeft) 
     // Get the next data byte (if any) 
     if (pTx->pTxGetDataCallBack(pTx, &d) != 0) 
     pTx->Data = d & 0xFF; 
     pTx->Data |= 1 << 8; // insert the stop bit 
     pTx->Data <<= 1; // insert the start bit 
     pTx->DataLeft = 10; 
     pTx->Data = 0x3FF; // no data, send 10 1's 
     pTx->DataLeft = 10; 

    // Extract the next data bit to send 
    d = pTx->Data & 1; 
    pTx->Data >>= 1; 

    // Choose the appropriate frequency for 0 and 1 
    if (d) 
     pTx->PhaseIncrement = 2 * M_PI * pTx->OnesFreq/pTx->SampleRate; 
     pTx->PhaseIncrement = 2 * M_PI * pTx->ZeroesFreq/pTx->SampleRate; 

    // Generate the next sample, advance the generator's phase 
    sample = (int16)(16000 * cos(pTx->Phase)); 
    pTx->Phase += pTx->PhaseIncrement; 
    if (pTx->Phase >= 2 * M_PI) 
    pTx->Phase -= 2 * M_PI; 

    if (pTx->State == stSendingData) 
    pTx->BitSampleCnt += pTx->BitRate; 


    return sample; 

typedef struct tRx 
    } State; 

    uint SampleRate; 
    uint OnesFreq; 
    uint ZeroesFreq; 
    uint MidFreq; 
    uint BitRate; 

    uint32 SampleCnt; 
    uint BitSampleCnt; 
    uint Data; 

    double Phase; 
    double PhaseIncrement; 

    tComplex Filter[FILTER_LENGTH]; 
    double Delay[FILTER_LENGTH]; 

    double LastAngle; 
    int LastDelta; 
    int32 Deltas; 

    int32 CarrierAngle; 
    int32 CarrierCnt; 

    double LongAvgPower; 
    double ShortAvgPower; 

    void (*pRxGetDataCallBack)(struct tRx*, uint8); 
} tRx; 

void RxInit(tRx* pRx, 
      uint SampleRate, 
      void (*pRxGetDataCallBack)(struct tRx*, uint8)) 
    tComplex tmp[FILTER_LENGTH]; 
    uint i; 

    memset(pRx, 0, sizeof(*pRx)); 
    pRx->State = stCarrierLost; 
    pRx->SampleRate = SampleRate; 
    pRx->OnesFreq = 1300; 
    pRx->ZeroesFreq = 2100; 
    pRx->MidFreq = (pRx->OnesFreq + pRx->ZeroesFreq)/2; 
    pRx->BitRate = 1200; 
    pRx->pRxGetDataCallBack = pRxGetDataCallBack; 

    pRx->SampleCnt = 0; 
    pRx->BitSampleCnt = 0; 
    pRx->Data = 0x3FF; 
    pRx->Phase = 0.0; 
    pRx->PhaseIncrement = 2 * M_PI * pRx->MidFreq/pRx->SampleRate; 
    pRx->LastAngle = 0.0; 
    pRx->LastDelta = 0; 
    pRx->Deltas = 0; 
    pRx->CarrierAngle = 0; 
    pRx->CarrierCnt = 0; 
    pRx->LongAvgPower = 0.0; 
    pRx->ShortAvgPower = 0.0; 

    for (i = 0; i < FILTER_LENGTH; i++) 
    pRx->Delay[i] = 0.0; 

    for (i = 0; i < FILTER_LENGTH; i++) 
    if (i == 0) // w < 0 (min w) 
     pRx->Filter[i].x = 0; 
     pRx->Filter[i].y = 0; 
    else if (i < FILTER_LENGTH/2) // w < 0 
     pRx->Filter[i].x = 0; 
     pRx->Filter[i].y = 0; 
    else if (i == FILTER_LENGTH/2) // w = 0 
     pRx->Filter[i].x = 0; 
     pRx->Filter[i].y = 0; 
    else if (i > FILTER_LENGTH/2) // w > 0 
     pRx->Filter[i].x = 0; 
     pRx->Filter[i].y = -1; 

     // Extra filter to combat channel noise 
     if (i - FILTER_LENGTH/2 < 875UL * FILTER_LENGTH/pRx->SampleRate || 
      i - FILTER_LENGTH/2 > (2350UL * FILTER_LENGTH + pRx->SampleRate - 1)/pRx->SampleRate) 
     pRx->Filter[i].y = 0; 

    memcpy(tmp, pRx->Filter, sizeof(tmp)); 
    dft(pRx->Filter, tmp, FILTER_LENGTH, -1); 

#define RX_VERBOSE 0 
void RxGetSample(tRx* pRx, int16 Sample) 
    tComplex s = { 0.0, 0.0 }, ss; 
    double angle; 
    uint i; 
    int delta; 
    double pwr; 

    // Insert the sample into the delay line 
    memmove(&pRx->Delay[0], &pRx->Delay[1], sizeof(pRx->Delay) - sizeof(pRx->Delay[0])); 
    pRx->Delay[FILTER_LENGTH - 1] = Sample; 

    // Get the next analytic signal sample by applying Hilbert transform/filter 
    for (i = 0; i < FILTER_LENGTH; i++) 
    s.x += pRx->Delay[i] * pRx->Filter[FILTER_LENGTH - 1 - i].x; 
    s.y += pRx->Delay[i] * pRx->Filter[FILTER_LENGTH - 1 - i].y; 

    // Frequency shift by MidFreq down 
    ss.x = cos(-pRx->Phase); 
    ss.y = sin(-pRx->Phase); 
    s = complexMul(&s, &ss); 
    pRx->Phase += pRx->PhaseIncrement; 
    if (pRx->Phase >= 2 * M_PI) 
    pRx->Phase -= 2 * M_PI; 

    // Calculate signal power 
    pwr = (s.x * s.x + s.y * s.y)/32768/32768; 
    pRx->LongAvgPower *= 1 - pRx->BitRate/(pRx->SampleRate * 8.0 * 8); 
    pRx->LongAvgPower += pwr; 
    pRx->ShortAvgPower *= 1 - pRx->BitRate/(pRx->SampleRate * 8.0); 
    pRx->ShortAvgPower += pwr; 

#if 0 
    printf("LongAvgPower:%f ShortAvgPower:%f\n", pRx->LongAvgPower, pRx->ShortAvgPower); 

    // Disconnect if the signal power changes abruptly. 
    if (pRx->State != stCarrierLost && 
     pRx->LongAvgPower > pRx->ShortAvgPower * 8 * 8) 
    // N.B. The receiver may have received a few extra (garbage) bytes 
    // while demodulating the abruptly changed signal. 
    // Prefixing data with its size or using a more advanced protocol 
    // may be a good solution to this little problem. 
    pRx->State = stCarrierLost; 
    pRx->BitSampleCnt = 0; 
    pRx->Data = 0x3FF; 
    pRx->Phase = 0.0; 
    pRx->LastAngle = 0.0; 
    pRx->LastDelta = 0; 
    pRx->Deltas = 0; 
    pRx->CarrierAngle = 0; 
    pRx->CarrierCnt = 0; 

    // Get the phase angle from the analytic signal sample 
    angle = (fpclassify(s.x) == FP_ZERO && fpclassify(s.y) == FP_ZERO) ? 
    0.0 : 180/M_PI * atan2(s.y, s.x); 
    // Calculate the phase angle change and force it to the -PI to +PI range 
    delta = (int)(360.5 + angle - pRx->LastAngle) % 360; 
    if (delta > 180) delta -= 360; 

    if (pRx->State == stCarrierLost) 
    // Accumulate the phase angle change to see if we're receiving 1's 
    pRx->CarrierAngle += delta; 

    // Check whether or not the phase corresponds to 1's 
    if (delta < 0) 
     if (pRx->CarrierCnt >= pRx->SampleRate/pRx->OnesFreq * 8) 
     double ph = (double)pRx->CarrierAngle/pRx->CarrierCnt; 
     printf("ca:%5ld, cc:%4ld, ca/cc:%4ld\n", 
     // Frequency tolerance is +/-16 Hz per the V.23 spec 
     if (ph < (pRx->OnesFreq - 17.0 - pRx->MidFreq) * 360.0/pRx->SampleRate || 
      ph > (pRx->OnesFreq + 17.0 - pRx->MidFreq) * 360.0/pRx->SampleRate) 
      goto BadCarrier; 
     // Phase doesn't correspond to 1's 
     pRx->CarrierAngle = 0.0; 
     pRx->CarrierCnt = 0; 

    if (pRx->CarrierCnt >= pRx->SampleRate/2 + pRx->SampleRate/4) 
     // 0.75 seconds worth of 1's have been detected, ready to receive data 

     // Adjust MidFreq to compensate for the DAC and ADC sample rate difference 
     double f1 = (double)pRx->CarrierAngle/pRx->CarrierCnt/360 * pRx->SampleRate + pRx->MidFreq; 
     pRx->MidFreq = (uint)(pRx->MidFreq * f1/pRx->OnesFreq); 
     pRx->PhaseIncrement = 2 * M_PI * pRx->MidFreq/pRx->SampleRate; 
     printf("f1:%u, new MidFreq:%u\n", (uint)f1, pRx->MidFreq); 
     pRx->State = stCarrierDetected; 
    // Detect frequency changes (transitions between 0's and 1's) 
    int freqChange = ((int32)pRx->LastDelta * delta < 0 || pRx->LastDelta && !delta); 
    int reAddDelta = 0; 

    printf("%6lu: delta:%4d freqChange:%d BitSampleCnt:%u\n", 

    // Synchronize with 1<->0 transitions 
    if (freqChange) 
     if (pRx->BitSampleCnt >= pRx->SampleRate/2) 
     pRx->BitSampleCnt = pRx->SampleRate; 
     pRx->Deltas -= delta; 
     reAddDelta = 1; 
     pRx->BitSampleCnt = 0; 
     pRx->Deltas = 0; 

    // Accumulate analytic signal phase angle changes 
    // (positive for 0, negative for 1) 
    pRx->Deltas += delta; 

    if (pRx->BitSampleCnt >= pRx->SampleRate) 
     // Another data bit has accumulated 
     pRx->BitSampleCnt -= pRx->SampleRate; 

     printf("bit: %u\n", pRx->Deltas < 0); 

     pRx->Data >>= 1; 
     pRx->Data |= (pRx->Deltas < 0) << 9; 
     pRx->Deltas = delta * reAddDelta; 

     if ((pRx->Data & 0x201) == 0x200) 
     // Start and stop bits have been detected 
     if (pRx->State == stCarrierDetected) 
      pRx->State = stReceivingData; 
     pRx->Data = (pRx->Data >> 1) & 0xFF; 
     pRx->pRxGetDataCallBack(pRx, (uint8)pRx->Data); 

     printf("byte: 0x%02X ('%c')\n", 
       (pRx->Data >= 0x20 && pRx->Data <= 0x7F) ? pRx->Data : '?'); 

     pRx->Data = 0x3FF; 

    pRx->BitSampleCnt += pRx->BitRate; 

    pRx->LastAngle = angle; 
    pRx->LastDelta = delta; 

typedef struct 
    tTx Tx; 
    FILE* DataFile; 
    int CountDown; 
} tTxTest; 

uint TxGetDataCallBack(tTx* pTx, uint8* pTxData) 
    tTxTest* pTxTest = (tTxTest*)pTx; 
    uchar c; 

    if (pTxTest->CountDown) 
    return 0; 

    if (fread(&c, 1, 1, pTxTest->DataFile) != 1) 
    pTxTest->CountDown = 20; 
    return 0; 

    *pTxData = c; 
    return 1; 

int testTx(uint SampleRate, 
      double NoiseLevel, 
      const char* DataFileName, 
      const char* AudioFileName) 
    FILE *fData = NULL, *fAudio = NULL; 
    int err = EXIT_FAILURE; 
    tTxTest txTest; 

    if ((fData = fopen(DataFileName, "rb")) == NULL) 
    printf("Can't open file \"%s\"\n", DataFileName); 
    goto Exit; 

    if ((fAudio = fopen(AudioFileName, "wb")) == NULL) 
    printf("Can't create file \"%s\"\n", AudioFileName); 
    goto Exit; 

    txTest.DataFile = fData; 
    txTest.CountDown = 0; 


    int16 sample = TxGetSample(&txTest.Tx); 
    if (txTest.CountDown > 1 && txTest.CountDown <= 10) 
#if 0 // Enable this code to test disconnecting. 
     // Finish with silence. 
     sample = 0; 
    sample += (rand() - (int)RAND_MAX/2) * NoiseLevel * 16000/(RAND_MAX/2); 
    fwrite(&sample, 1, sizeof(sample), fAudio); 
    } while (txTest.CountDown != 1); // Drain all data-containing samples 

    err = EXIT_SUCCESS; 


    if (fData != NULL) fclose(fData); 
    if (fAudio != NULL) fclose(fAudio); 

    return err; 

typedef struct 
    tRx Rx; 
    FILE* DataFile; 
} tRxTest; 

void RxGetDataCallBack(tRx* pRx, uint8 RxData) 
    tRxTest* pRxTest = (tRxTest*)pRx; 
    uchar c = RxData; 
    fwrite(&c, 1, 1, pRxTest->DataFile); 

int testRx(uint SampleRate, 
      const char* AudioFileName, 
      const char* DataFileName) 
    uint lastState; 
    FILE *fAudio = NULL, *fData = NULL; 
    int err = EXIT_FAILURE; 
    tRxTest rxTest; 

    if ((fAudio = fopen(AudioFileName, "rb")) == NULL) 
    printf("Can't open file \"%s\"\n", AudioFileName); 
    goto Exit; 

    if ((fData = fopen(DataFileName, "wb")) == NULL) 
    printf("Can't create file \"%s\"\n", DataFileName); 
    goto Exit; 

    rxTest.DataFile = fData; 


    for (;;) 
    int16 sample; 

    if (fread(&sample, 1, sizeof(sample), fAudio) != sizeof(sample)) 
     if (rxTest.Rx.State != stCarrierLost) goto NoCarrier; 

    lastState = rxTest.Rx.State; 
    RxGetSample(&rxTest.Rx, sample); 

    if (rxTest.Rx.State != lastState && rxTest.Rx.State == stCarrierDetected) 
     printf("\nCONNECT %u\n\n", rxTest.Rx.BitRate); 

    if (rxTest.Rx.State != lastState && rxTest.Rx.State == stCarrierLost) 
     printf("\n\nNO CARRIER\n"); 

    err = EXIT_SUCCESS; 


    if (fAudio != NULL) fclose(fAudio); 
    if (fData != NULL) fclose(fData); 

    return err; 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
    uint sampleRate; 
    double noiseLevel; 

    if (argc < 2 || 
     !stricmp(argv[1], "-help") || 
     !stricmp(argv[1], "/help") || 
     !stricmp(argv[1], "-?") || 
     !stricmp(argv[1], "/?")) 
      " %s tx <sample rate> <noise level> <data input file> <PCM output file>\n" 
      " %s rx <sample rate> <PCM input file> <data output file>\n", 
    return 0; 

    if (!stricmp(argv[1], "tx") && 
     argc == 6 && 
     sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &sampleRate) == 1 && 
     sscanf(argv[3], "%lf", &noiseLevel) == 1) 
    return testTx(sampleRate, noiseLevel, argv[4], argv[5]); 
    else if (!stricmp(argv[1], "rx") && 
      argc == 5 && 
      sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &sampleRate) == 1) 
    return testRx(sampleRate, argv[3], argv[4]); 
    goto Usage; 


modem.exe tx 8000 0.2 testin.txt test8000.pcm 
modem.exe rx 8000 test8000.pcm testout.txt 



哇!期待着嘗試一下! :-) – Brad


這是怎麼回事? –


嘗試將代碼導出網頁時遇到問題。我可以在某處下載文件嗎? – Brad




如果你還在尋找一個軟調制解調器,你可能會考慮libquietQuiet.js。如果您使用的是音頻電纜,則這些模塊可提供低功耗的GMSK模式,並且具有較高的比特率模式。 Quiet使用現有的SDR庫來執行其調製,以便您可以獲得相當全面的功能。