這可能是問題的標題有點誤導,但我懷疑已經做了一些從2.0到4.0的變化,我不知道......所以這裏去如何在Powershell v4 vs v2中使用Get-ChildItem
下面的代碼將提供給我使用PowerShell 2.0
## Get files/items using above variables
$LogFiles = @(Get-ChildItem "$IhsLogFolder\*.*" -include $LogFileMatch)
$log.debugFormat("Found in {0} are {1}", $IhsLogFolder, $LogFiles)
foreach ($LogFile in $LogFiles) {
$log.debugFormat("Found {0}", $LogFile.Name)
$LogFiles += @(Get-ChildItem "$PluginLogFolder" -recurse -include $LogFileMatch)
$log.debugFormat("Found in {0} are {1}", $PluginLogFolder, $LogFiles)
我們的Windows 2008服務器上的預期效果正在執行的命令將
Get-ChildItem e:\logs\HTTPServer\*.* -include error.log,access.log,http_plugin.log
Get-ChildItem e:\logs\WebPlugin\webserver\*.* -include error.log,access.log,http_plugin.log
試圖在同一個腳本在Windows 2012使用PowerShell 4.0上面的代碼將不會返回任何文件,但如果我在PowerShell中嘗試只命令它會找到文件
PS C:\> Get-ChildItem e:\logs\HTTPServer\*.* -include error.log,access.log,http_plugin.log
Directory: E:\logs\HTTPServer
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 20.10.2015 15:35 4296922 access.log
-a--- 19.10.2015 15:26 189102 error.log
不在Powershell 4.0中返回文件的明顯原因是什麼?
- 參考。評論 - 是的,我敢肯定,$日誌不是問題
- 我只是發現下面的工作(硬編碼包括)
$LogFiles = @(Get-ChildItem "$IhsLogFolder\*.*" -include error.log,access.log,http_plugin.log)
$pathToFolder = "d:\temp\*.*"
# This does not return results
$includeFile = "file1.txt,file2.txt"
# This will return results
#$includeFile = "file1.txt"
Write-Host $includeFile
# Below does not work if more than one file in the include
#$result = @(Get-ChildItem $pathToFolder -include $includeFile)
# Below does work even if more than one file in the include
$result = @(Get-ChildItem $pathToFolder -include file1.txt,file2.txt)
Write-Host $result
if ($result) {
Write-Host "Yes"
} else {
Write-Host "No"
什麼是'$ log'?你確定它不是'$ log.debugFormat',它的行爲不同嗎? – arco444