2016-07-12 48 views

WSO2 Message Broker v3.1文檔建議可以使用Message Broker作爲ESB功能,名爲「Stratos Message Broker - 儀表板UI功能」:from here錯誤嘗試安裝Stratos Message Broker作爲WSO2 ESB中的功能4.9

我試圖在最新的WSO2 ESB版本(v4.9)上安裝MB作爲功能,就像它來了。

要做到這一點我使用的是最新的P2存儲庫: from here

選擇 「Stratos的消息代理 - 儀表板UI功能」 之後的v 3.1,我收到以下錯誤消息:

Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency. 

Software being installed: 
WSO2 Stratos Message Broker - Dashboard UI Features 3.1.0 (org.wso2.stratos.mb.dashboard.ui.feature.group 3.1.0) 
Software currently installed: 
WSO2 Carbon - Carbon UI Feature 4.4.1 (org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.group 4.4.1) 

Only one of the following can be installed at once: 
WSO2 Carbon - Carbon UI Feature 4.4.1 (org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.jar 4.4.1) 
WSO2 Carbon - Carbon UI Feature 4.4.2 (org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.jar 4.4.2) 
WSO2 Carbon - Carbon UI Feature 4.4.3 (org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.jar 4.4.3) 
WSO2 Carbon - Carbon UI Feature 4.4.4 (org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.jar 4.4.4) 

Cannot satisfy dependency: 
From: WSO2 Carbon - Carbon UI Feature 4.4.1 (org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.group 4.4.1) 
To: org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.jar [4.4.1] 

Cannot satisfy dependency: 
From: WSO2 Carbon - Carbon UI Feature 4.4.3 (org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.group 4.4.3) 
To: org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.jar [4.4.3] 

Cannot satisfy dependency: 
From: WSO2 Carbon - Carbon UI Feature 4.4.4 (org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.group 4.4.4) 
To: org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.jar [4.4.4] 

Cannot satisfy dependency: 
From: WSO2 Stratos Message Broker - Dashboard UI Features 3.1.0 (org.wso2.stratos.mb.dashboard.ui.feature.group 3.1.0) 
To: org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.group [4.4.3,4.5.0) 


回購:WSO2碳4.2.0(圖靈) - MB版本:2.2.0 - 錯誤信息:

Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency. 
Software being installed: 
WSO2 Stratos Message Broker - Dashboard UI Features 2.2.0 (org.wso2.stratos.mb.dashboard.ui.feature.group 2.2.0) 

Software currently installed: 
WSO2 Carbon - Carbon UI Feature 4.4.1 (org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.group 4.4.1) 

Only one of the following can be installed at once: 
WSO2 Carbon - Carbon UI Feature 4.2.0 (org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.jar 4.2.0) 
WSO2 Carbon - Carbon UI Feature 4.4.1 (org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.jar 4.4.1) 

Cannot satisfy dependency: 
From: WSO2 Carbon - Carbon UI Feature 4.2.0 (org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.group 4.2.0) 
To: org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.jar [4.2.0] 
Cannot satisfy dependency: 
From: WSO2 Carbon - Carbon UI Feature 4.4.1 (org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.group 4.4.1) 
To: org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.jar [4.4.1] 
Cannot satisfy dependency: 
From: WSO2 Stratos Message Broker - Dashboard UI Features 2.2.0 (org.wso2.stratos.mb.dashboard.ui.feature.group 2.2.0) 
To: org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.group [4.2.0,4.3.0) 

回購:WSO2碳4.1.7 - MB版本:2.1.1 - 錯誤信息:

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. 
Software being installed: 
WSO2 Stratos Message Broker - Dashboard UI Features 2.1.1 (org.wso2.stratos.mb.dashboard.ui.feature.group 2.1.1) 

Missing requirement: 
WSO2 Stratos Message Broker - Dashboard UI Features 2.1.1 (org.wso2.stratos.mb.dashboard.ui.feature.group 2.1.1) 
requires 'org.wso2.carbon.core.ui.feature.group [4.1.0,4.2.0)' but it could not be found 

有什麼建議嗎? 有沒有人已經使用MB作爲ESB功能?哪個版本?




使用新版本成功安裝WSO2 ESB 5.0

使用wilkes repo並選擇「Stratos Message Broker - 儀表板UI功能版本3.1.0」。

實際上,爲了讓它工作,我做了:在我的舊MB中搜索,尋找那裏不存在的功能(僅MB 3.1)(ESB 5.0)。這是名單:

  • 功能 - 安第斯山脈
  • 功能 - 郵件度量
  • 指標組
  • 註冊內容搜索
  • 遠程用戶管理
  • 遠程用戶管理客戶端
  • 遠程用戶管理服務器
  • 肥皂示蹤劑
  • 斯特拉託斯消息代理 - 儀表板UI功能

