2012-07-15 142 views

我最近安裝了wordpress的鼠標/光標試用插件。 該插件工作,但鼠標線索圖像消失在網站的內容後面,只顯示在背景上Wordpress光標跟蹤



鏈接到插件:Wordpress Cursor Trails

function add_cursor_trail(){ 
    $ct_data = get_option('cursor_trail_options'); 
    if(date('Y-m-d', current_time('timestamp')) == '2011-02-14'){ 
     $ct_data['pointer'] = WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/cursor-trail/valentines.png'; 
    if(!empty($ct_data['start']) && current_time('timestamp') <= strtotime($ct_data['start'])){ 
    if(!empty($ct_data['end']) && current_time('timestamp') >= strtotime($ct_data['end'])){ 

    <script type="text/javascript"> 
     jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 
      var container = $(document.body); 
      var speed = <?php echo $ct_data['speed']; ?>; 
       if($(this).parents('a').length == 0){ 
        $('<img src="<?php echo $ct_data['pointer']; ?>" />').css({ 'position':'absolute', 'top':e.pageY+5, 'left':e.pageX+5}).prependTo(container).fadeOut(speed, function(){ 

/* Creating the wp_events table to store event data*/ 
function cursor_trail_activate() { 
    $ct_data = array(
     'pointer' => WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/cursor-trail/pointer.png', 
     'speed' => 900 
    add_option('cursor_trail_options', $ct_data); 

class CursorTrailAdmin{ 
    // action function for above hook 
    function CursorTrailAdmin() { 
     global $user_level; 
     add_action ('admin_menu', array (&$this, 'menus')); 

    function menus(){ 
     $page = add_options_page('Cursor Trail', 'Cursor Trail', 'manage_options', 'cursor-trail', array(&$this,'options')); 
     add_action('admin_head-'.$page, array(&$this,'options_head')); 

    function options_head(){ 
     <style type="text/css"> 
      .nwl-plugin table { width:100%; } 
      .nwl-plugin table .col { width:100px; } 
      .nwl-plugin table input.wide { width:100%; padding:2px; } 

    function options() { 
     if(is_admin() && !empty($_POST['ctsubmitted'])){ 
      //Build the array of options here 
      foreach ($_POST as $postKey => $postValue){ 
       if(substr($postKey, 0, 3) == 'ct_'){ 
        //For now, no validation, since this is in admin area. 
        if($postValue != ''){ 
         $ct_data[substr($postKey, 3)] = $postValue; 
      update_option('cursor_trail_options', $ct_data); 
      <div class="updated"><p><strong><?php _e('Changes saved.'); ?></strong></p></div> 
      $ct_data = get_option('cursor_trail_options'); 
     <div class="wrap nwl-plugin"> 
      <h2>Cursor Trail</h2> 
      <div id="poststuff" class="metabox-holder has-right-sidebar"> 
       <div id="side-info-column" class="inner-sidebar"> 
       <div id="categorydiv" class="postbox "> 
        <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle"></div> 
         <h3 class="hndle">Donations</h3> 
         <div class="inside"> 
          <em>Plugins don't grow on trees.</em> Please remember that this plugin is provided to you free of charge, yet it takes many hours of work to maintain and improve! 
          <div style="text-align:center;"> 
           <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="8H9R5FVER3SWW"> 
            <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!"> 
            <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"> 
        <div id="categorydiv" class="postbox "> 
         <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle"></div> 
         <h3 class="hndle">Plugin Information</h3> 
         <div class="inside"> 
          <p>This plugin was developed by <a href="http://twitter.com/marcussykes">Marcus Sykes</a> @ <a href="http://netweblogic.com">NetWebLogic</a></p> 
          <p>Please visit <a href="http://netweblogic.com/forums/">our forum</a> for plugin support.</p> 
       <div id="post-body"> 
        <div id="post-body-content"> 
         <p>If you have any suggestions, come over to our plugin page and leave a comment. It may just happen!</p> 
         <form method="post" action="<?php echo str_replace('%7E', '~', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); ?>"> 
         <table class="form-table"> 
          <tbody id="lwa-body"> 
           <tr valign="top"> 
            <td colspan="2"> 
             <h3><?php _e("General Settings", 'cursor-trail'); ?></h3> 
           <tr valign="top"> 
            <td scope="row"> 
             <label><?php _e("Cursor Image", 'cursor-trail'); ?></label> 
             <input type="text" name="ct_pointer" value='<?php echo (!empty($ct_data['pointer'])) ? $ct_data['pointer']:WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/cursor-trail/pointer.png'; ?>' class='wide' /> 
             <i><?php _e("Add the url for the image you want to use as a cursor trail. Defaults to a mouse pointer if left blank.", 'cursor-trail'); ?></i> 
           <tr valign="top"> 
            <td scope="row"> 
             <label><?php _e("Cursor Fade Speed", 'cursor-trail'); ?></label> 
             <input type="text" name="ct_speed" value='<?php echo (!empty($ct_data['speed'])) ? $ct_data['speed']:900; ?>' class='wide' /> 
             <i><?php _e("Speed in ms that each cursor trail will take to fade out.", 'cursor-trail'); ?></i> 
           <tr valign="top"> 
            <td scope="row"> 
             <label><?php _e("Start Date", 'cursor-trail'); ?></label> 
             <input type="text" name="ct_start" value='<?php echo (!empty($ct_data['start'])) ? $ct_data['start']:''; ?>' class='wide' /> 
             <i><?php _e("If filled, cursors won't start to trail until this date. Use YYYY-MM-DD format.", 'cursor-trail'); ?></i> 
           <tr valign="top"> 
            <td scope="row"> 
             <label><?php _e("Cut-Off Date", 'cursor-trail'); ?></label> 
             <input type="text" name="ct_end" value='<?php echo (!empty($ct_data['end'])) ? $ct_data['end']:''; ?>' class='wide' /> 
             <i><?php _e("If filled, cursors won't trail after this date. Use YYYY-MM-DD format.", 'cursor-trail'); ?></i> 
           <tr valign="top"> 
            <td colspan="2">  
             <input type="hidden" name="ctsubmitted" value="1" /> 
             <p class="submit"> 
              <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Changes') ?>" /> 
global $CursorTrailAdmin; 
$CursorTrailAdmin = new CursorTrailAdmin(); 




img[src$="/pointer.png"] { 
    z-index: 1000; 

to your style.css。



I.謝謝你的回覆。我將上面的代碼添加到樣式表中,但不幸的是它沒有工作。我編輯了代碼以反映上面的插件代碼。 ... – user1426583 2012-07-16 08:11:46


也許再次嘗試編輯的解決方案...(添加一個美元符號到屬性選擇器檢查來源**結尾**與'/ pointer.png') – 2012-07-16 08:32:26


謝謝你的回覆 - 我試過了上面,不幸的是它不工作。我可以嘗試其他方式嗎? – user1426583 2012-07-16 19:26:42