' This method gets the input from the Ajax code on the web page.
<System.Web.Services.WebMethod> _
Public Shared Sub GetAwesome(VBInputText As String)
Dim strTest As String = VBInputText
' Now that we have collected input from the user,
' we need to run a method that does a ton of other stuff.
End Sub
Protected Sub DisplayAwesome(AwesomeIn As String)
' The real app does a lot more than this. For this example, it
' just sets the text of a literal.
litAwesomeResult.Text = AwesomeIn
End Sub
給了我「不能引用實例成員...」的錯誤。那麼,現在有可能從Public Shared Sub GetAwesome
撥打電話Protected Sub DisplayAwesome
從GetAwesome的'聲明()'刪除的共享 – djv