首先,我從Sandy Good在以下鏈接中撰寫的信息開始寫腳本。 Google Forms file upload complete example. 我做了她所說的一切,而且一切正常。fileBlob未從客戶端服務器端傳遞
Uncaught Error: Cannot find method createFile((class)).
此外,我已經嘗試調用ID myFIle1並可以看到控制檯日誌中的信息,但仍然得到了與上面相同的錯誤。
可否請你看看我的腳本,並提供有關爲什麼fileBlob爲空的信息。我錯過了Google Developers網站或本網站上的內容嗎?由於
function doGet(e) {
return HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('Form')
.evaluate() // evaluate MUST come before setting the Sandbox mode
.setTitle('Name To Appear in Browser Tab')
function include(filename) {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile(filename)
function processForm(theForm) {
var emailAddress = theForm.email;
var projectName = theForm.projectName;
var zone = theForm.zone;
var fileBlob = theForm.myFile1;
var fldrSssn = DriveApp.getFolderById('folder ID');//you need to put your upload folder id here
var igeURL = fldrSssn.createFile(fileBlob).getId();
Logger.log("Code completed")
return true;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<?!= include('Stylesheet'); ?>
<?!= include('JavaScript'); ?>
<div id="GSAlogo">Insert Logo Band</div>
<table id="CompTool">
<tr><th><h1 id="header">Header Name</h1></th></tr>
<tr><td id="toolInfo">Tool Info.</td></tr>
<form id="myForm">
<tr><td><input name="email" type="email" placeholder="Insert email address"/></td></tr>
<tr><td>Select the project zone:</td></tr>
<option name="zone" value="Arkansas Zone">Arkansas Zone</option>
<option name="zone" value="Austin Zone">Austin Zone</option>
<option name="zone" value="Border El Paso Zone">Border El Paso Zone</option>
<option name="zone" value="Border McAllen Zone">Border McAllen Zone</option>
<option name="zone" value="Border San Antonio Zone">Border San Antonio Zone</option>
<option name="zone" value="Dallas East Texas Zone">Dallas East Texas Zone</option>
<option name="zone" value="Fort Worth Zone">Fort Worth Zone</option>
<option name="zone" value="Houston Zone">Houston Zone</option>
<option name="zone" value="Louisiana Zone">Louisiana Zone</option>
<option name="zone" value="New Mexico Zone">New Mexico Zone</option>
<option name="zone" value="Oklahoma East Zone">Oklahoma East Zone</option>
<option name="zone" value="Oklahoma West Zone">Oklahoma West Zone</option>
<option name="zone" value="West Texas Zone">West Texas Zone</option>
<tr><td><input type="text" name="projectName" value="test folder" placeholder="Please enter a project name"></td></tr>
<tr><td><input name="myFile1" id="myFile1" type="file" accept=".xls,.xlsx" /></td></tr><br/>
<tr><td><input type="button" id="formSave" value="Submit" style="background-color:#00449e; color:white;" onclick="disable(); fileUploadJS(this.parentNode)"/></td></tr><br/>
<tr><td id="status" style="display: none">
<!-- div will be filled with innerHTML after form submission. -->
Uploading. Please wait...
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.js"></script>
function disable(){
var fS = document.getElementById('formSave');
fS.disabled = true;
fS.style.color = "black";
fS.style.backgroundColor = "gray";
function fileUploadJS(frmData) {
document.getElementById('status').style.display = 'inline';
The script below worked for passing the information to the client side but the fileBlob is blank
var formData = document.getElementById('myForm');
var email = formData[0].value;
console.log('email: ' + email);
var zone = formData[1].value;
console.log('zone: ' + zone);
var projectName = formData[2].value;
console.log('projectName: ' + projectName);
var fileBlob = formData[3];
console.log('fileBlob: ' + fileBlob);
var fileName = fileBlob.name;
console.log('fileName: ' + fileName);
var fileType = fileBlob.type;
console.log('fileType: ' + fileType);
var fileValue = fileBlob.value;
console.log('fileValue: ' + fileValue);
var fileFiles = fileBlob.files;
console.log('fileFiles: ' + fileFiles);
var modFormData = [email, zone, projectName, fileBlob];
// Javascript function called by "submit" button handler,
// to show results.
function updateOutput() {
var outputDiv = document.getElementById('status');
outputDiv.innerHTML = "Your file was uploaded.";
console.log('script completed.')
function onFailure(error) {
var div = document.getElementById('status');
div.innerHTML = "ERROR: " + error.message;
你與上傳文件夾的ID替換FolderID? – Cooper
是的,我確實在那個地方有一個谷歌驅動器文件夾ID。另外我是該文件夾的所有者。 – wjwelch1
我發現你已經對javascript進行了很多更改。我可能會回到原來的狀態並緩慢地添加更改,確保在添加它時調試所有內容。我用過這個例子,它工作得很好。 – Cooper