當加載我的。NET Frameowrk在Visual Studio 2017年4.6.2的解決方案,它給了我以下警告:警告在VS2017但所有罰款與VS2015
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Warning Your project is not referencing the ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2" framework. Add a reference to ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2" in the "frameworks" section of your project.json, and then re-run NuGet restore.
Warning IDE0006 Error encountered while loading the project. Some project features, such as full solution analysis for the failed project and projects that depend on it, have been disabled. BigData 1 Active
然而,在visual studio 2015中加載完全相同的解決方案文件和結構。
聽起來像一個.NETCore項目,VS2017中這些項目的完成方式發生了相當大的變化。重新創建項目將是避免依賴項目轉換器的簡單方法。我們不應該猜測這個順便說一句。 –