我正在嘗試爲GAE獲得基於角色的權限,以便爲django-nonrel工作。如何在Django-Nonrel中爲Google App Engine創建組權限工作
這讓我超越了前面的問題(「DatabaseError:該查詢不受數據庫支持」),但我仍然陷入困境,因爲當我運行一個非常簡單的示例時,我得到一組空的權限我相信我應該得到回報。下面是我可以做的一個簡單的例子。它由python manage.py shell在django框架中啓動 - 它是一個簡單的小馬店。我試圖將用戶添加到組,授予該組的權限,然後看到這些權限反映爲組權限的用戶擁有的部分:
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, Permission, User
>>> from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
>>> from pony_shop.models import Pony
#Create the group:
>>> farmers = Group(name="Farmers")
>>> farmers.save()
>>> pony_ct = ContentType.objects.get(app_label='pony_shop', model='pony')
#Create the Permission
>>> can_twirl = Permission(name='Can Twirl', codename='can_twirl', content_type=pony_ct)
>>> can_twirl.save()
#Give the Permission to the Group
>>> farmers.permissions.add(can_twirl)
>>> farmers.save()
#Create the User
>>> francis = User(username='francis')
>>> francis.save()
#Put the user in the group
>>> francis.groups.add(farmers)
>>> francis.save()
#Get a pony object
>>> firefly = Pony(price=12, height=3, name='Firefly', color='fuscia')
>>> firefly.save()
>>> francis.get_all_permissions()
set([]) #<-- WHY?!?
#Just in case I needed to check the permissions against a pony object:
>>> francis.get_all_permissions(obj=firefly)
set([]) #<-- Still no joy