- (void) refreshLocationDescriptionWith: (NSArray *) inMessageList
// Refresh the location textview by appending new array of string messages
// Trim old description by half to prevent it growing too long
int const kMaxTextSize = 2000;
NSString *oldDescription;
if ([dispLocationDetails.text length] > kMaxTextSize)
NSString *trimDescription = [dispLocationDetails.text substringFromIndex: kMaxTextSize/2];
oldDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"....... %@", trimDescription];
oldDescription = dispLocationDetails.text;
// Disable keyboard entry whilst displaying
[self disableKeyBoardEntry];
// Go through all messages and display 'slowly'
NSTimeInterval nextDelay = 0;
NSTimeInterval stepDelay = 0.03;
for (NSString *nextMessage in inMessageList)
// Add to existing text display with one character at a time, with delay to 'scroll' text
for (NSRange stringRange = NSMakeRange(0, 1); stringRange.location < [nextMessage length]; stringRange.location += 1)
NSString *nextChar = [nextMessage substringWithRange: stringRange];
[self performSelector: @selector(addCharToLocationDisplay:) withObject: nextChar afterDelay: nextDelay];
nextDelay += stepDelay;
[self performSelector: @selector(addCharToLocationDisplay:) withObject: @"\n" afterDelay: nextDelay];
[self performSelector: @selector(addCharToLocationDisplay:) withObject: @"\n" afterDelay: nextDelay];
// Re-enable keyboard entry
[self performSelector: @selector(enableKeyBoardEntry) withObject: nil afterDelay: nextDelay];
- (void) addCharToLocationDisplay: (NSString *) nextChar
// Add one char at a time to the text view display
NSString *newText = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", dispLocationDetails.text, nextChar];
self.dispLocationDetails.text = newText;
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(dispLocationDetails.text.length - 1, 1);
[dispLocationDetails scrollRangeToVisible:range];