div.paragraph-container {
padding: 20px; /* or padding: 20px 20px 20px 20px; sets all the padding individually (top, right, bottom, left) */
div.paragraph-container p {
margin: 10px 20px; /* sets the margin on the paragraph(s) to 10px on top and bottom and 20px on left and right which does the same as the first example assuming that the div does not have padding. */
div.paragraph-container p {
border-bottom: 1px dotted black;
padding: 0px 0px 5px 0px;
margin: 10px 20px;
div.paragraph-container {
padding: 0px;
假設文字填滿段落元素,那麼這將正常工作。如果你在段落中有兩個單詞,那麼它不會只與文本一樣寬。解決這個問題的唯一方法是使用內聯元素,例如跨度或已設置爲display: inline;
正是我在找的,謝謝。 – user2020058
display:table更高效,並且不需要將它們作爲內聯框,然後將它們包裝到div中 –
我不知道有關display:table和size的問題。以前我一直針對IE7,所以我對它有點無知。謝謝! – SlightlyCuban