2014-01-30 36 views

我很難在同一行輸出一個變量作爲一串文本。它適用於我使用Write-Host,但不是Write-Output。我想使用Write-Output,因爲它看起來是最佳做法(保持流水線),但Write-Output始終在換行符上輸出變量。寫主機與寫輸出 - 換行


寫主機$ VM「 - VM名稱無效:檢查拼寫錯誤的輸入文件。」


Function Get-VMSwapping { 

    #requires –version 3.0 

    Outputs the following: Cluster, VMHost, VM, SwappedMemory, BalloonedMemory. 

    Outputs the following: Cluster, VMHost, VM, SwappedMemory, BalloonedMemory. 
    Make sure to be connected to the vCenter server that has all of the VMs to enumerate. 

    Author: Nick Sousa 
    Date: Jan 28, 2014 
    Version: 1.0 



      If(Test-Path -Path $_) {$true} 
      Else {Throw "Input filename is not valid."} 
     [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="InputFile",Position = 0)][string]$InputFile 

    Begin { 
     $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" 
    } # End "Begin" 

    Process { 

     Try { 

      If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("VMs that are ballooning & swapping")) { 

       If($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InputFile')) { 

        $VMReport = @() 

        # Loop through each item in the file specified in -InputFile. 
        # If the VM cannot be validated with Get-VM, write an error to the screen. 
        # If the VM is found within vCenter, output its Swap/Balloon amounts. 
        ForEach($VM in Get-Content -Path $InputFile) { 

         If(Get-VM -Name $VM -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { 
          $VMFull = Get-VM -Name $VM 
          $VMName = $VMFull.Name 

          $VMView = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Filter @{"Name" = "^$VMName$"} 

          $obj = "" | Select-Object Cluster, VMHost, VM, SwappedMemory, BalloonedMemory 

          $obj.Cluster = $VMFull.Host.Parent.Name 
          $obj.VMHost = $VMFull.Host.Name 
          $obj.VM = $VMView.Name 
          $obj.SwappedMemory = $VMView.Summary.QuickStats.SwappedMemory 
          $obj.BalloonedMemory = $VMView.Summary.QuickStats.BalloonedMemory 

          $VMReport += $obj 

         } # End "If(Get-VM -Name $VM)" 

         Else { 

          Write-Host $VM "- VM name not valid: check the input file for spelling errors." 

         } # End Else for "If(Get-VM -Name $VM)" 

        } # End "ForEach($VM in $VMs)" 

        $VMReport | Format-Table -AutoSize 

       } # End "If($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InputFile'))" 

       Else { 

        # Pull a list of all VMs that have Balloon Memory greater than 0. 
        # Loop through all VMs found and prepare a collection object to be outputted. 
        $VMReport = @() 

        $VMs = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine | Where-Object {$_.Summary.QuickStats.BalloonedMemory -ne "0"} 

        ForEach($VM in $VMs) { 

         $VMFull = Get-VM -Name $VM.Name 

         $obj = "" | Select-Object Cluster, VMHost, VM, SwappedMemory, BalloonedMemory 

         $obj.Cluster = $VMFull.Host.Parent.Name 
         $obj.VMHost = $VMFull.Host.Name 
         $obj.VM = $VM.Name 
         $obj.SwappedMemory = $vm.Summary.QuickStats.SwappedMemory 
         $obj.BalloonedMemory = $vm.Summary.QuickStats.BalloonedMemory 

         $VMReport += $obj 

        } # End "ForEach($VM in $VMs)" 

        $VMReport | Format-Table -AutoSize 

       } # End Else for "If($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InputFile'))" 

      } # End "If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("VMs that are ballooning & swapping"))" 

     } # End "Try" 

     Catch { 
      Write-Output "Caught an exception:" 
      Write-Output "Exception Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)" 
      Write-Output "Exception Message: $($_.Exception.Message)" 

     } # End "Catch" 

     Finally { 

      $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" 

     } # End "Finally" 

    } # End "Process" 

} # End "Function Get-VMSwapping" 




Write-Output ($VM + "- VM name not valid: check the input file for spelling errors.")