我有一個數據庫,其中包含水井的位置和與這些井相關的大量屬性。從我所知道的所有表格都與WELL_ID(井的名稱)關聯,這是「短文本」數據類型。在數據庫內部,我正在嘗試獲取數據的現有查詢(如果我犯了一個錯誤並且弄亂了某些內容,我不想混淆這些表)。功能MS Access VBA數據類型不匹配
我已經創建了一個表單,用戶輸入東,北的UTM座標以及搜索半徑,然後單擊「搜索」按鈕。點擊搜索後,程序會創建[qryUTM_NAD83]的記錄集,然後計算每個井的徑向距離,如果它位於指定的搜索範圍內,則使用INSERT INTO將其存儲在新的[Search_Results]表中。
這裏是我的代碼: (我省略了一些代碼的部分,以保持它的短爲你所有)
Private Sub SearchButton_Click()
Dim WellID As String, mySQL As String, NewLitho As String
'Creating new recordsets from [qryUTM_NAD83] table
Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset
'[ZONE] is just user specified, helps me narrow the search a little
Set rs1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [qryUTM_NAD83].* " & _
"FROM [qryUTM_NAD83] " & _
"WHERE [ZONE] = " & frmZone, dbOpenDynaset)
'Moving through the recordset
Do While Not rs1.EOF
'calculated radius, r , for this well (omitted)
If r < SearchRadius Then
WellID = Val(rs1.Fields("WELL_ID").Value)
NewLitho = LithoTransform(WellID)
mySQL = "INSERT INTO [Search_Results] " & _
"([WELL_ID], [Easting], [Northing], [Radius], [Lithology]) " & _
"VALUES (" & WellID & ", " & x & ", " & y & ", " & r & ", " & NewLitho & ")"
CurrentDb.Execute mySQL
End If
End Sub
功能:在發生 (錯誤「設置RS2 ......」 - 數據類型不匹配)
Public Function LithoTransform(CurrentID As String) As String
'CurrentID is the well which was identified as being within the search radius
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim mySQL2 As String
'SQL statement and new recordset of the well we are looking at in the search
Debug.Print CurrentID
mySQL2 = "SELECT [qryFormation].* " & _
"FROM [qryFormation] " & _
"WHERE [WELL_ID] = " & CurrentID
Set rs2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(mySQL2, dbOpenDynaset)
'Move through recordset rs2 and concatenating into new string
'Bunch of code here
'Close recordset set it to 'nothing'
End Function
非常感謝,我有一種感覺,它會像這樣簡單。我一直在使用Access幫助和網絡搜索,只有很多東西可以包裹我的頭。我會嘗試進行參數查詢。再次感謝! – Sashman 2014-10-20 18:14:09