如果遇到異常情況,似乎有一些機器在很長一段時間內沒有應用Windows Update,而.NET Framework 2.0沒有可用的特定超載。爲什麼在.NET Framework 2.0上有一個Missing AutoresetEvent.WaitOne重載
AutoResetEvent.WaitOne(int32)在早期版本中似乎不存在。根據MS文檔,這種方法一直存在,但顯然不是。 如果你調用AutoResetEvent.WaitOne(int32,boolean)就沒問題。
Dim au As System.Threading.AutoResetEvent
au = New System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(False)
Dim themethods() As MethodInfo
themethods = au.GetType.GetMethods()
Dim found As Boolean
For Each m As MethodInfo In themethods
If String.Equals(m.Name, "WaitOne", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
Dim params() As ParameterInfo
params = m.GetParameters
If params.Length = 1 Then
If params(0).ParameterType Is GetType(Integer) Then
found = True
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
Dim allowRun As Boolean = True
If Not found Then
ApplicationLog.Write("This system is running an old version of the Microsoft .NET Framework, please update with Windows Update to prevent errors.")
If MessageBox.Show("This system is running an old version of the Microsoft .NET Framework, please update with Windows Update to prevent errors.", "Old Version of .NET Framework", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) = DialogResult.Cancel Then
allowRun = False
End If
End If
你指的是什麼版本的.NET? – t0mm13b 2010-01-29 01:36:16
對不起,發現這個問題,這是因爲我編譯的.net3.5有mscorlib過載,但.net 2.0沒有。錯過了MSDN doco中的小子菜單,切換到.net 2 – 2010-01-29 01:37:58
,您已被原諒。微軟改變了mscorlib的公共接口,但沒有改變[AssemblyVersion]號碼。很淘氣。 – 2010-01-29 01:46:56