var BoxHelpMain = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent();
var ShouldFadeIn = false; //if the button says next then there is more divs to fadein if it says ok then no more divs to fade in i.e end of divs
if($(this).attr('value') == 'Next')
ShouldFadeIn = true;
BoxHelpMain.fadeOut().queue(function() //fadeout the current div
if(ShouldFadeIn == true) // if it should fade in next div
FadeinNextDiv = false;
AllBoxHelpMain = $(document).find("[id^=BoxHelpMain]"); // find all div with the same id as current one
if(AllBoxHelpMain.length) // if any divs with id exists
AllBoxHelpMain.each(function() // loop through all the divs
if(FadeinNextDiv == true) // if we need to fade in the next div
$(this).find("input[class^=HelpBoxOk]:first").focus(); // fade in the div
FadeinNextDiv = false;
return false;
if($(this).attr('id') == BoxHelpMain.attr('id')) // if current div id matches the clicked box/div then the next box/div needs to be fadded in
FadeinNextDiv = true;
return false;
出於好奇,誰寫了的代碼?大聲笑。雖然它肯定可以調整爲optmisation,提供它的工作,這不是那麼糟糕_believe me_。那裏有各種各樣的東西。 POST-EDIT:在重新讀取代碼後,在第3行,我意識到它是,那麼糟糕 –
您的_crappy_ HTML在哪裏? – Shef