2014-09-02 37 views

我覺得答案是在那裏,但我不知道要查找什麼。我查看了deferpromise,但我不知道如何應用,如果我希望它適用於自己。推遲功能,如果它已經在statechange上運行 - js




// this function updates page content with ajax and cool effects! 
function update_content(data) { 
    if(data == null) return; 

var id = $(data).prop('id'), 
    content = "#" + id, 
    header = 0; 

    // if the header is full, header = 0. if it's tiny, header = 1 
    if($('#navbar.affix').length) { header = 1; } 

    // if the page that needs to be loaded is NOT on the page 
    // this could be #main, #content, etc 
    if(!$(content).length) { 

    // show the homepage $('#main') 
    // fades the content viewer out. no positioning is done on the homepage. 
    if(id == "main") { 

     if(header == 1) { $('body, html').scrollTop(55); } else { window.scrollTo(0,0); } 

     $('#main').siblings(':visible').center(header); // puts visible content on TOP of page 

     $('#main')// /.center(header) 
      .show(); // home page goes behind content 
     $('#main').siblings().fadeOut(600, function() { // fadeout content overlay, and ON COMPLETE 
       $(this).hide(); // hide that shit    
     if(header == 1) { $('body, html').scrollTop(55); } else { window.scrollTo(0,0); } 



    // show the content viewer $('#content') 
    // fades content viewer in 
    if(id = "content") { 

      .center(header) // place on top and center 
      .fadeIn(function() { // fade in, and ON COMPLETE 
       $('#main').hide(); // quickly remove siblings - DO NOT USE FADE 
       $(this).uncenter(); // places it static so it is normal 

       if(header == 1) { $('body, html').scrollTop(55); } else { window.scrollTo(0,0); } 



您的問題的一般答案是,您掛鉤到其他操作完成時觸發的某種事件,以及觸發事件發生時,您將開始下一個操作。關於如何做到這一點的具體細節,我認爲你必須向我們展示'update_content()'代碼,以便我們知道如何知道它何時完成或何時運行。另外,你是否會處理每一個'statechange'事件(例如,如果'update_content()'仍在繼續,將它們保存在一個隊列中),還是隻需要處理最近的一個呢? – jfriend00 2014-09-02 21:25:13


@ jfriend00我希望排隊他們,但我不知道該怎麼做。我不認爲'update_content()'代碼會起作用,儘管我覺得我可能需要返回一個完整的東西或其他內容 – 2014-09-02 21:43:23


解決方案必須知道何時執行'update_content()'以及如何觸發下一個排隊的項目完成後。我們需要'udpate_content()'來爲解決方案的關鍵部分提供建議。假設它是一系列異步操作(如淡入淡出),它不像從中返回值那麼簡單,因爲異步操作將在函數本身完成後的某個時間後完成。我們需要查看該代碼以瞭解如何跟蹤何時完成。一旦我們知道如何知道update_content()完成時,隊列就不難了。 – jfriend00 2014-09-02 21:46:06




// this function updates page content with ajax and cool effects! 
// it returns a promise that is resolved when any animations started in this 
// function are done 
var updateRunning = 0; 
function update_content(data) { 
    if(data == null) [ 
     // return an already resolved promise 
     return $().promise(); 


    var id = $(data).prop('id'), 
    content = "#" + id, 
    header = 0, p1, p2; 

    // if the header is full, header = 0. if it's tiny, header = 1 
    if($('#navbar.affix').length) { header = 1; } 

    // if the page that needs to be loaded is NOT on the page 
    // this could be #main, #content, etc 
    if(!$(content).length) { 

    // show the homepage $('#main') 
    // fades the content viewer out. no positioning is done on the homepage. 
    if(id == "main") { 

     if(header == 1) { $('body, html').scrollTop(55); } else { window.scrollTo(0,0); } 

     $('#main').siblings(':visible').center(header); // puts visible content on TOP of page 

     $('#main')// /.center(header) 
      .show(); // home page goes behind content 
     p1 = $('#main').siblings().fadeOut(600, function() { // fadeout content overlay, and ON COMPLETE 
       $(this).hide(); // hide that shit    
     if(header == 1) { $('body, html').scrollTop(55); } else { window.scrollTo(0,0); } 

    } else { 

     // show the content viewer $('#content') 
     // fades content viewer in 
     if(id == "content") { 

      p2 = $('#content') 
       .center(header) // place on top and center 
       .fadeIn(function() { // fade in, and ON COMPLETE 
        $('#main').hide(); // quickly remove siblings - DO NOT USE FADE 
        $(this).uncenter(); // places it static so it is normal 

        if(header == 1) { 
         $('body, html').scrollTop(55); 
        } else { 

    // note that either p1, p2 or both might be undefined here, but 
    // $.when() should still work for us 
    return $.when(p1, p2).always(function() { 

僅供參考,我也將if (id = "content")更改爲if (id == "content"),因爲我認爲您的編碼錯誤。


var queue = []; 
function update_content_wrapper(data) { 
    if (updateRunning !== 0) { 
     // just queue the data if update already running 
    } else { 
     update_content(data).always(function() { 
      // if items in the queue, get the oldest one 
      if (queue.length) { 


History.Adapter.bind(window, 'statechange', function() { 
    var event_state = History.getState(); 



哇,令人驚歎,完美。它在第一次運行時完美運行,並排隊完成任務。你真了不起,而且是個好朋友! – 2014-09-03 12:46:56
