「從字符串」行E1:2個席位2「到類型'布爾'的轉換無效。」「從字符串」Row E1:2 seats2「轉換爲類型'Boolean'無效。」
請幫忙 我正在製作電影預約系統。我需要能夠預訂座位,並檢查了座位 1-6個席位和AE排 表單定義的可用性:
Public Class Form1
Dim seats(5) As String //'this declares the array seats as string'
Dim firstseat As Integer //'this declares first seat as integer'
Dim rowid As Integer //'this declares row id as integer'
Dim numseats As Integer //'this declares numseats as integer'
Dim bookseats As Integer //'this declares book seats as integer'
Dim currentseat As Char //'this declares current seat as char'
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For x = 0 To 4
seats(x) = "0000000000" 'seats equals 0000000000'
Next 'moves onto the next stage'
Button2.Enabled = False ' this means you cannot click button 2'
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If ComboBox1.Text = "" Then 'if combobox 1 equals empty then a message box appears'
MessageBox.Show("please select a row") 'message box appears showing please select a row'
End If 'this ends the if function'
If ComboBox2.Text = "" Then 'if combo box 2 equals empty then a message box appears'
MessageBox.Show("please select seats") ' message box appears showing please select seats'
End If ' this ends the if function'
If ComboBox1.Text = "A" Then ' if combo box 1 equals A then row id equals 4'
rowid = 4
ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "B" Then ' if combo box 1 equals B then row id equals 3'
rowid = 3
ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "C" Then ' if combo box 1 equals C then row id equals 2'
rowid = 2
ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "D" Then ' if combo box 1 equals D then row id equals 1'
rowid = 1
ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "E" Then ' if combo box 1 equals E then row id equals 0'
rowid = 0
End If 'ends the if statement'
numseats = Val(ComboBox2.Text) 'numseats equals val combobox 2'
bookseats = 0 'book seats equals 0'
For i = 1 To 10
currentseat = Mid(seats(rowid), i, 1) 'current seat equals mid seats rowid i 1'
If currentseat = "1" Then 'if current equals 1 then'
bookseats = bookseats + 1 'bookseats equals bookseats plus 1'
End If 'this ends the if function'
Next 'moves onto the next stage'
If 10 - bookseats < numseats Then 'if 10 - bookseats is less than numseats then'
MessageBox.Show("no seats available") 'message appears showing no seats available'
Else 'or'
For i = 1 To 10
firstseat = InStr(seats(rowid), "0")
Next 'move onto the next stage'
If firstseat = "1" Then
MessageBox.Show("1 seat selected") 'if first seat is 1 then messagebox appears saying 1 seat selected'
ElseIf firstseat = "2" Then
MessageBox.Show("2 seats selected") 'if first seat is 2 then messagebox appears saying 2 seats selected'
ElseIf firstseat = "3" Then
MessageBox.Show("3 seats selected") 'if first seat is 3 then messagebox appears saying 3 seats selected'
ElseIf firstseat = "4" Then
MessageBox.Show("4 seats selected") 'if first seat is 4 then messagebox appears saying 4 seat selected'
ElseIf firstseat = "5" Then
MessageBox.Show("5 seats selected") 'if first seat is 5 then messagebox appears saying 5 seats selected'
ElseIf firstseat = "6" Then
MessageBox.Show("6 seats selected") 'if first seat is 6 then messagebox appears saying 6 seats selected'
End If 'ends the if statement'
End If 'ends the if statement'
If 10 >= numseats Then 'if 10 - more than or equal to numseats then'
MessageBox.Show("seats available") 'messagebox appears showing seats available'
End If 'ends the if statement'
If ComboBox1.Text & firstseat & ":" & ComboBox2.Text & (firstseat + numseats - 1) Then
Button2.Enabled = True
End If 'ends the if statement'
If ComboBox2.Text = "1 seat" Then 'if combobox2 equals 1 seat then numseats equals 5'
numseats = 5
ElseIf ComboBox2.Text = "2 seats" Then 'if combobox2 equals 2 seats then numseats equals 4'
numseats = 4
ElseIf ComboBox2.Text = "3 seats" Then 'if ComboBox2 equals 3 seats then numseats equals 3'
numseats = 3
ElseIf ComboBox2.Text = "4 seats" Then 'if combobox2 equals 4 seats then numseats equals 2'
numseats = 2
ElseIf ComboBox2.Text = " 5 seats" Then 'if combobox2 equals 5 seats then numseats equals 1'
numseats = 1
ElseIf ComboBox2.Text = " 6 seats" Then 'if combocbox2 equals 6 seats then numseats equals 0'
numseats = 0
End If 'ends the if statement'
End Sub
你能告訴我要寫什麼嗎? – Gigzr7 2014-09-26 09:36:26
即時製作電影預訂系統 – Gigzr7 2014-09-26 09:36:56