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td,th {
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th {
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.tempLow, .tempHigh {
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.tempHigh {
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var thisDate = new Date();
var day = thisDate.getDate();
var dayNames = [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ];
var monthNames = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ];
var sun = new Forecast("sunny.png", "Sunny", 17, 31);
var clouds = new Forecast("cloudy.png", "Cloudy", 10, 23);
var showers = new Forecast("mix.png", "Mix of Sun and Cloud", 12, 20);
var rain = new Forecast("rain.png", "Rain", 6, 14);
var fList = [ sun, clouds, showers, rain ];
var pList = [ "day0", "day1", "day2", "day3", "day4" ];
var low, high;
// Functions
function init()
function Forecast(image, title, minTemp, maxTemp)
function randomNumber(min, max)
var rand = Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min;
rand = Math.floor(rand)
return rand;
function displayTime(timeZone)
var timeE = document.getElementById(timeZone);
var offset, hh, mm, AMorPM;
switch (timeZone)
case "PST":
offset = -7;
case "EST":
offset = -4;
case "CDT":
offset = -5;
timeE.innerHTML += "Error!";
thisDate = calcTime(offset);
hh = thisDate.getHours();
mm = thisDate.getMinutes();
if(mm < 10){ mm = "0" + mm; }
if(hh > 12)
hh -= 12;
AMorPM = " PM";
AMorPM = " AM";
timeE.innerHTML += hh + ":" + mm + " " + AMorPM + " (" + timeZone + ")";
// This will return a Date object with the city's current time based on that city's "offset" from the GMT.
function calcTime(offset)
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + date.getTimezoneOffset()*60*1000 + offset*60*60*1000);
return date;
//This will return a new Date object for a single forecast
function addDays(myDate,days)
return new Date(myDate.getTime() + days*24*60*60*1000);
function displayDate()
var dayE = document.getElementById("day");
var ordinalE = document.getElementById("ordinal");
var yearE = document.getElementById("year");
// Display the day of the week and the date (month, day)
dayE.innerHTML = dayNames[ thisDate.getDay() ] +", ";
dayE.innerHTML += monthNames[ thisDate.getMonth() ] +" ";
dayE.innerHTML += " " +day;
// Function determining which ending to use for the date and displaying it
switch (day)
case 1:
case 21:
case 31:
ordinalE.innerHTML += "st";
case 2:
case 22:
ordinalE.innerHTML += "nd";
case 3:
case 23:
ordinalE.innerHTML += "rd";
ordinalE.innerHTML += "th";
// Display the year
yearE.innerHTML = ", " +thisDate.getFullYear();
function getDayTitle(i)
var dayTitle;
var dayOfWeek = addDays(thisDate, i)
var d = dayOfWeek.getDay();
if(d > 6)
d -= 7;
// Function determining which title to use (today, tomorrow, day of the week)
switch (i)
case 0:
dayTitle = "Today";
case 1:
dayTitle = "Tomorrow";
dayTitle = dayNames[d];
return dayTitle;
function displayForecast()
for(i=0; i < pList.length; i++)
function displayDailyForecast(i)
var forecastE = document.getElementById(pList[i]);
var forecast = fList[ randomNumber(0,3) ];
var html = "<table>";
if(i == 0)
html += "<tr><td id='spacerCell'></td></tr>"
html += "<tr><th colspan='2'>" + getDayTitle(i) + "</th></tr>";
html += "<tr><td colspan='2'><img src='images/" + forecast.image + "' width='100' height='100'></td></tr>";
html += "<tr><td colspan='2'>" + forecast.title + "</td></tr>";
getTemp(forecast.minTemp, forecast.maxTemp);
html += "<tr><td class='tempLow'>"+ low +"°C</td>";
html += "<td class='tempHigh'>"+ high +"°C</td></tr>";
forecastE.innerHTML += html;
function getTemp(min, max)
var t1, t2;
t1 = randomNumber(min, max);
t2 = randomNumber(min, max);
if(t1 < t2)
low = t1;
high = t2;
else if(t1 > t2)
low = t2;
high = t1;
else // if t1==t2
low = t1;
high = t1 + 1;
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