#import "CPPedometerViewController.h" 
#import <CoreMotion/CoreMotion.h> 

@interface CPPedometerViewController() 

@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *stepsCountingLabel; 
@property (nonatomic, strong) CMStepCounter *cmStepCounter; 
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSOperationQueue *operationQueue; 
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *stepsArray; 


@implementation CPPedometerViewController 

- (NSOperationQueue *)operationQueue 
    if (_operationQueue == nil) 
     _operationQueue = [NSOperationQueue new]; 
    return _operationQueue; 

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad]; 

    [self QueryExistingStep]; 

    NSLog(@"steps array = %@", _stepsArray); 


    //get todays date 
    NSDate *now = [NSDate date]; 
    // get six days ago from today 
    NSDate *sixDaysAgo = [now dateByAddingTimeInterval:-6*24*60*60]; 

    //array to hold step values 
    _stepsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:7]; 

    //check if step counting is avaliable 
    if ([CMStepCounter isStepCountingAvailable]) 
     //init step counter 
     self.cmStepCounter = [[CMStepCounter alloc] init]; 

     //get seven days before from date & to date. 
     for (NSDate *toDate = [sixDaysAgo copy]; [toDate compare: now] <= 0; 
      toDate = [toDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:24 * 60 * 60]) { 

      //get day before 
      NSDate *fromDate = [[toDate copy] dateByAddingTimeInterval: -1 * 24 * 60 * 60]; 

      [self.cmStepCounter queryStepCountStartingFrom:fromDate to:toDate toQueue:self.operationQueue withHandler:^(NSInteger numberOfSteps, NSError *error) { 
       if (!error) { 
        NSLog(@"queryStepCount returned %ld steps", (long)numberOfSteps); 
        [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{ 
         [self updateArrayWithStepCounter:numberOfSteps]; 
       } else { 
        NSLog(@"Error occured: %@", error.localizedDescription); 


    } else { 
     // stuffhappens 

- (void)updateArrayWithStepCounter:(NSInteger)numberOfSteps { 

    [_stepsArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:numberOfSteps]]; 


我期待有一個數組完整的過去七天的步驟,然後將它們插入到NSinteger爲每一天。例如NSinteger daySeven = 242,NSInteger daySix = 823 ...等等今天。CMStepCounter添加步驟來分離NSIntegers




2014-01-25 22:51:36.314 Project[6633:60b] steps array = (
2014-01-25 22:51:36.332 Project[6633:420f] queryStepCount returned 3505 steps 
2014-01-25 22:51:36.334 Project[6633:420f] queryStepCount returned 3365 steps 
2014-01-25 22:51:36.335 Project[6633:420f] queryStepCount returned 7206 steps 
2014-01-25 22:51:36.337 Project[6633:420f] queryStepCount returned 6045 steps 
2014-01-25 22:51:36.339 Project[6633:420f] queryStepCount returned 5259 steps 
2014-01-25 22:51:36.342 Project[6633:420f] queryStepCount returned 6723 steps 
2014-01-25 22:51:36.344 Project[6633:420f] queryStepCount returned 440 steps 






NSLog(@"steps array = %@", _stepsArray); 






#import "PYViewController.h" 
#import <CoreMotion/CoreMotion.h> 

@interface PYViewController() 

@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *stepsCountingLabel; 
@property (nonatomic, strong) CMStepCounter *cmStepCounter; 
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSOperationQueue *operationQueue; 
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *stepsArray; 


@implementation PYViewController 

- (NSOperationQueue *)operationQueue { 
    if (_operationQueue == nil) { 
     _operationQueue = [NSOperationQueue new]; 
     _operationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1; // process 1 operation at a time, or we could end with unexpected results on _stepsArray 
    return _operationQueue; 

- (void)viewDidLoad { 
    [super viewDidLoad]; 

    [self queryExistingStep]; 

-(void)queryExistingStep { 
    // Get now date 
    NSDate *now = [NSDate date]; 

    // Array to hold step values 
    _stepsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:7]; 

    // Check if step counting is avaliable 
    if ([CMStepCounter isStepCountingAvailable]) { 
     // Init step counter 
     self.cmStepCounter = [[CMStepCounter alloc] init]; 
     // Tweak this value as you need (you can also parametrize it) 
     NSInteger daysBack = 6; 
     for (NSInteger day = daysBack; day > 0; day--) { 
      NSDate *fromDate = [now dateByAddingTimeInterval: -day * 24 * 60 * 60]; 
      NSDate *toDate = [fromDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:24 * 60 * 60]; 

      [self.cmStepCounter queryStepCountStartingFrom:fromDate to:toDate  toQueue:self.operationQueue withHandler:^(NSInteger numberOfSteps, NSError *error) { 
       if (!error) { 
        NSLog(@"queryStepCount returned %ld steps", (long)numberOfSteps); 
        [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{ 
         [_stepsArray addObject:@(numberOfSteps)]; 

         if (day == 1) { // Just reached the last element, do what you want with the data 
          NSLog(@"_stepsArray filled with data: %@", _stepsArray); 
          // [self updateMyUI]; 
       } else { 
        NSLog(@"Error occured: %@", error.localizedDescription); 
    } else { 
     NSLog(@"device not supported"); 


通過它回來到viewDidLoad方法時_stepsArray打印出空:( – Ryan


這不的問題提供一個答案,以批判或作者作出澄清,離開低於其信息的評論中 - 你可以隨時評論你自己的帖子,一旦你有足夠的[聲譽](http://stackoverflow.com/help/whats-reputation)你將能夠[評論任何帖子](http://stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/comment) –


我最初發送了一個問題,因爲我沒有足夠的聲望發佈對他的問題的評論,但我只是擴展了我的答案:-) – Daniele



- (void)queryPast6DayStepCounts 
    NSLog(@"queryPast6DayStepCounts visited!"); 

    self.past6DaysDailySteps = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:6]; 

// past 6 days 

for (NSInteger day = 6; day >= 1; day--) 
    NSDate *fromDate = [self.todayMidnight dateByAddingTimeInterval:-day * 24 * 60 * 60]; 
    NSDate *toDate = [fromDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:24 * 60 * 60]; 

    queryStepCountStartingFrom:fromDate to:toDate 
    toQueue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] 
    withHandler:^(NSInteger numberOfSteps, NSError *error) 
     if (!error) 
       [self.past6DaysDailySteps addObject:@(numberOfSteps)]; 
       if (self.past6DaysDailySteps.count == 6) { 
        [self viewDidFinishQueryPast6DaysData]; 

      NSLog(@"Error occured: %@", error.localizedDescription); 

    NSLog(@"queryPast6DayStepCounts finish! %@", self.past6DaysDailySteps); 
    // do other things 