2016-10-06 20 views


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     <p>As Northeast Ohio Landscapers, Hemlock Landscapes has been caring for customers and their properties throughout the Chagrin Valley since 1981. 
     Our core values: 
     Bring a positive attitude with you each and every day 
     Work hard, pitch in, be helpful and productive 
     Be fair and respectful with all people in all encounters</p> 

     <p>When it comes to Residential Landscape Maintenance in Northeast Ohio, we have a pretty simple mission. 
     Our mission is to unite people in positive relationships to improve lives. 
     This includes not only our great customers but also our fantastic employees and vendors that we work with each and every day. If we are not improving your life then we are not living up to our mission. 
     Experienced in every facet of the landscape industry, we fulfill our one company… total care philosophy by meeting your every need in the following areas: 
     Residential Landscape Maintenance 
     Landscape Design/Installation 
     Plant Health Care</p> 

     <p>Whether you are new to the Chagrin Valley, switching landscape service providers, or need to add a service to your existing account, Hemlock Landscapes makes it easy for you.</p> 



設置一個display: inline-block到每個<p>元件。這樣,它們將在各自的專欄中自成一體。但請記住,這不會阻止頭部蔓延到其他列,在此圖像中看到:

enter image description here

但是,如果你可以用每頭柱對用<div>,那麼你就只能到display: inline-block;適用於容器中,如本圖所示:

enter image description here

或者,如torazaburo指出的那樣,你可以使用break-inside: avoid;防止元素的分裂。我習慣於使用display: inline-block,因爲它還修剪了元素的不需要的大小,並使它們更容易管理(在這種情況下,當您聲明列布局時,讓它們變得更有意義),但其他屬性提供完全相同的功能爲您的具體情況。


謝謝你的工作完美。 – ChaCol


因此,當我在Google Chrome上使用我的網站時,此格式不再適用。我怎樣才能解決這個問題? – ChaCol


你是什麼意思,它不再適用?是否有任何財產未被瀏覽器識別?如果是這樣,哪些?還是說CSS不再起作用?這些屬性的測試是在Chrome上完成的,所以你的問題讓我困惑了一下。你使用了'break-inside:avoid',如果是這樣,切換到'display:inline-block;'解決了你的問題? –


使用break-inside: avoid; CSS屬性。

.columns { 
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\t width: 100%; 
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<p>As Northeast Ohio Landscapers, Hemlock Landscapes has been caring for customers and their properties throughout the Chagrin Valley since 1981. 
Our core values: 
Bring a positive attitude with you each and every day 
Work hard, pitch in, be helpful and productive 
Be fair and respectful with all people in all encounters</p> 

<div class="nobreak"> 
<p>When it comes to Residential Landscape Maintenance in Northeast Ohio, we have a pretty simple mission. 
Our mission is to unite people in positive relationships to improve lives. 
This includes not only our great customers but also our fantastic employees and vendors that we work with each and every day. If we are not improving your life then we are not living up to our mission. 
Experienced in every facet of the landscape industry, we fulfill our one company… total care philosophy by meeting your every need in the following areas: 
Residential Landscape Maintenance 
Landscape Design/Installation 
Plant Health Care</p> 

<div class="nobreak"> 
<p>Whether you are new to the Chagrin Valley, switching landscape service providers, or need to add a service to your existing account, Hemlock Landscapes makes it easy for you.</p> 


當我這樣做時,我的第二列信息被淹沒到第三列而不是向下擴展。我不確定這是來自引導轉盤樣式表還是其他東西。 – ChaCol
