到目前爲止,沒有任何解決方案提供了一種不使用SIGCHLD作爲問題請求的方法。這是因爲在this answer概述使用poll另一種方法的實現(這也解釋了爲什麼你應該避免使用在這樣的情況下SIGCHLD):
確保您從您創建的每個子進程有一個管/ 。它可以是他們的stdin/stdout/stderr或者只是一個額外的虛擬fd。當子進程終止時,管道的末端將被關閉,並且主事件循環將檢測該文件描述符上的活動。從它關閉的事實中,你認識到子進程已經死亡,並且調用waitpid來獲得殭屍。
* Specifies the maximum number of clients to keep track of.
#define MAX_CLIENT_COUNT 1000
* Tracks clients by storing their process IDs and pipe file descriptors.
struct process_table {
pid_t clientpids[MAX_CLIENT_COUNT];
struct pollfd clientfds[MAX_CLIENT_COUNT];
} PT;
* Initializes the process table. -1 means the entry in the table is available.
void initialize_table() {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENT_COUNT; i++) {
PT.clientfds[i].fd = -1;
* Returns the index of the next available entry in the process table.
int get_next_available_entry() {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENT_COUNT; i++) {
if (PT.clientfds[i].fd == -1) {
return i;
return -1;
* Adds information about a new client to the process table.
void add_process_to_table(int i, pid_t pid, int fd) {
PT.clientpids[i] = pid;
PT.clientfds[i].fd = fd;
* Removes information about a client from the process table.
void remove_process_from_table(int i) {
PT.clientfds[i].fd = -1;
* Cleans up any dead child processes from the process table.
void reap_zombie_processes() {
int p = poll(PT.clientfds, MAX_CLIENT_COUNT, 0);
if (p > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENT_COUNT; i++) {
/* Has the pipe closed? */
if ((PT.clientfds[i].revents & POLLHUP) != 0) {
// printf("[%d] done\n", PT.clientpids[i]);
waitpid(PT.clientpids[i], NULL, 0);
* Simulates waiting for a new client to connect.
void accept() {
sleep((rand() % 4) + 1);
* Simulates useful work being done by the child process, then exiting.
void childfunction() {
sleep((rand() % 10) + 1);
* Main program
int main() {
/* Initialize the process table */
while (1) {
/* Create the pipe */
int p[2];
/* Fork off a child process. */
pid_t cpid = fork();
if (cpid == 0) {
/* Child process */
else {
/* Parent process */
int i = get_next_available_entry();
add_process_to_table(i, cpid, p[0]);
// printf("[%d] started\n", cpid);
return 0;
[31066] started
[31067] started
[31068] started
[31069] started
[31066] done
[31070] started
[31067] done
[31068] done
[31071] started
[31069] done
[31072] started
[31070] done
[31073] started
[31074] started
[31072] done
[31075] started
[31071] done
[31074] done
[31081] started
[31075] done
你可以在SIGCHLD – tristan 2010-03-04 08:40:49
的信號處理程序中做些什麼我已經提到過... SIGCHLD信號被忽略..? – codingfreak 2010-03-04 08:45:45
+1的瘋狂戲劇題目和開頭句子。 D: – 2010-03-04 09:22:48