我想要插入大量的實體到數據庫。當我嘗試插入到例如5個實體與此代碼它的工作原理沒有問題...但是當我實現了批量方法有它會導致這個錯誤:symfony2 doctrine2與實體的批處理錯誤
if (!empty($invite_this_peopleArray)) {
$batchSize = 20;
$i = 0;
foreach ($explodeInviteArray as $explodingUser) {
$notify=new Notify();
if (($i % $batchSize) === 0) {
$em->clear(); // Detaches all objects from Doctrine!
A new entity was found through the relationship 'TB\NotifyBundle\Entity\Notify#notifyUser' that was not configured to cascade persist operations for entity: (nick of notify user user($user->getUsername())). To solve this issue: Either explicitly call EntityManager#persist() on this unknown entity or configure cascade persist this association in the mapping for example @ManyToOne(..,cascade={"persist"}).
BTW:如果我修改了代碼,所以我只清除$通知和$ notifiedUser,如:
if (($i % $batchSize) === 0) {
$em->clear($notify); // Detaches all objects from Doctrine!
$em->clear($notifiedUser); // Detaches all objects from Doctrine!
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/UnitOfWork.php on line 514
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32 bytes)
我曾與APC,我所做的是改變配置它php.ini文件允許它使用更多的內存這裏面完全一樣的問題。 – Splendonia