2017-01-22 99 views




這裏是我的小提琴: https://jsfiddle.net/xkhpmrtu/7/


<!DOCTYPE html> 


    <meta charset="utf-8" /> 

    <style type="text/css"> 

     canvas { 
      border: 1px solid #666; 


    <script type="application/javascript" language="javascript"> 
     function anim(x,y) { 
      var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');//reference to canvas element on page 
      var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');//establish a 2d context for the canvas element 
      ctx.save();//save canvas state if required (not required for the tutoriral anaimation, but doesn't hurt the script so it stays for now) 
      ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 550, 400);//clears the canvas for redrawing the scene. 
      ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,200,0,1)";//coloring the rectangle 
      ctx.fillRect = (x, 20, 50, 50);//drawing the rectangle 
      ctx.restore();//this restores the canvas to it's original state when we saved it on (at the time) line 18 
      x += 5; //increment the x position by some numeric value 
      var loopTimer = setTimeout('draw('+x+','+y+')', 2000);// setTimeout is a function that 



    <button onclick="animate(0,0)">Draw</button> 

    <canvas id="canvas" width="550" height="400"></canvas> 




在JS腳本檢查你函數名'阿尼姆(0,0)'的錯誤聲明 – prasanth


你'函數anim'聲明,您的點擊通話'animate',和' anim'函數調用'draw'使用陳舊的(錯誤的練習)字符串參數來設置'setTimeout' ... –


另外,'ctx.fillRect'是一個函數,但是你給它賦值'(x,20,50 ,50)' - 這不是函數的調用方式,你需要'ctx.fillRect(x,20,50,50);' - 應用了所有修復,你會得到https://jsfiddle.net/xkhpmrtu/9/ –





// type and language default to the correct setting for javascrip 
// <script type="application/javascript" language="javascript"> 

    function anim(x,y) { 
     // get the canvas once. Getting the canvas for each frame of an 
     // animation will slow everything down. Same for ctx though will not 
     // create as much of a slowdown it is not needed for each frame 
     // var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); 
     // var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); 
     // Dont use save unless you have to. It is not ok to add it if not needed 
     // ctx.save(); 
     // dont use literal values, canvas may change size 
     ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); 
     ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,200,0,1)"; 
     // this line is wrong should be ctx.fillRect(x, 20, 50, 50). It is correct in the video    
     ctx.fillRect = (x, 20, 50, 50);//drawing the rectangle 
     // restore not needed 

     x += 5; //increment the x position by some numeric value 
     // creating a string for a timer is bad. It invokes the parser and is slooowwwwww... 
     // For animations you should avoid setTimeout altogether and use 
     // requestAnimationFrame 
     // var loopTimer = setTimeout('draw('+x+','+y+')', 2000); 
    // you were missing the closing curly. 



// This script should be at the bottom of the page just befor the closing body tag 
// If not you need to use the onload event to start the script. 


// define a function that starts the animation 
function startAnimation() { 
    animating = true; // flag we are now animating 
    x = 10; 
    y = 10; 
    // animation will start at next frame or restart at next frame if already running 
    // define the animation function 

function anim() { 
    if (animating) { // only draw if animating 
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); 
    ctx.fillStyle = "red"; //coloring the rectangle 
    ctx.fillRect(x, y, 50, 50); //drawing the rectangle 
    x += xSpeed; 

    // set animation timer for next frame 


// add a click listener to the start button. It calls the supplied function every time you click the button 
startAnimButton.addEventListener("click", startAnimation); 

const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // get the 2d rendering context 

// set up global variables to do the animation 
var x, y, animating; 
animating = false; // flag we are not animating 

const xSpeed = 50/60; // Speed is 50 pixels per second at 60fps 
         // dont slow the animation down via frame rate 
         // slow it down by reducing speed. 
         // You only slow frame rate if the machine 
         // can not handle the load. 

// start the animation loop 
canvas { 
    border: 1px solid #666; 
<!-- don't add events inline --> 
<button id="startAnimButton">Draw</button> 
<canvas id="canvas" width="512" height="128"></canvas>


感謝您的輸入!對不起,我花了很長時間纔回到這裏。你的建議幫助,我現在有我的項目工作。再次感謝。 – kenef