2012-09-25 20 views

我想我的手在爲我寫的筆和紙遊戲製作一個字符發生器(python 2.7)。直到我達到代碼的最後,我一直在努力完成這件事。現在它已經壞了,我無法找到一種方法讓它在最後打印出一個字符表。請記住,我是一個新手,並在這裏使用一堆東西,我只是在試驗。如果任何人都可以幫助我完成工作,並使用代碼中生成的所有信息打印字符表,我將非常感激!我認爲出錯的是,如果代碼在ID生成器中跳過,我需要一種方法讓代碼忽略它。無論如何,這裏是代碼。如何才能使此摘要起作用?

# Cyberpanky N.O.W Python Character Generator by Ray Weiss 
# Created 9/24/2012 
# Much thanks to Connor Daliposon 
# Mho made a very readable D&D Character Generator 
# That a Python newbie like me could understand                                                         

# Imports 
import random 
from pprint import pprint 

# Hey there 
print """ 
Hello world & welcome to the CYBERPANKY N.O.W. character generator. 
Programmed by Ray Weiss. 
To quit at anytime, press CNTRL-C. 

print "Lets figure out your stats first. Press enter to continue." 

# Stat Roller 
# Rolls 3D6 and adds the sum together and prints 

def roll_stats(): 
    a = random.randint(1, 6) 
    b = random.randint(1, 6) 
    c = random.randint(1, 6) 
    d = random.randint(1, 6) 
    list = [a, b, c, d] 
    add = sum(list[1:4]) 
    return add 

# Modifiers 

def pow_mod(): 
    a = "|+1 to hit on mele attack rolls| " 
    b = "|+1 damage on mele attack rolls|" 

    if pow >= 15 and pow < 17: 
     return a 
    if pow >= 17: 
     return a + b 
     return " ~no modifiers~" 

def iq_mod(): 
    a = "|-500$ to invest in cyberspace| " 
    b = "|Reroll Street Doc abilities|" 

    if iq >= 15 and iq < 17: 
     return a 
    if iq >= 17: 
     return a + b 
     return " ~no modifiers~" 

def agi_mod(): 
    a = "|+1 to hit with ranged weapons| " 
    b = "|-1 to hit with ranged weapons|" 

    if agi >= 12: 
     return a 
    if agi <= 9: 
     return b 
     return " ~no modifiers~" 

def con_mod(): 
    a = "|+1 hit point per hit dice|" 
    b = "|-1 hit point per hit dice|" 

    if con >= 15: 
     return a 
    elif con <= 6: 
     return b 
     return " ~no modifiers~" 

def cyn_mod(): 
    a = "|Add 10% to earned experience|" 
    b = "|Add 5% to earned experience|" 
    c = "|Subtract 10% from earned experience|" 
    d = "|Subtract 20% from earned experience|" 

    if cyn >= 15: 
     return a 
    elif cyn > 12 and cyn < 15: 
     return b 
    elif cyn > 6 and cyn < 9: 
     return c 
    elif cyn <= 6: 
     return d 
     return " ~no modifiers~" 

def cha_mod(): 
    a = "|+1 to reaction rolls|" 
    b = "|-1 to reaction rolls|" 

    if cha >= 15: 
     return a 
    if cha <= 8: 
     return b 
     return " ~no modifiers~" 

# Prints stats + modifiers. 
pow = roll_stats() 
print "Power:", pow, pow_mod() 
iq = roll_stats() 
print "Intelligence:", iq, iq_mod() 
agi = roll_stats() 
print "Agility:", agi, agi_mod() 
con = roll_stats() 
print "Constitution:", con, con_mod() 
cyn = roll_stats() 
print "Cynicism:", cyn, cyn_mod() 
cha = roll_stats() 
print "Charisma:", cha, cha_mod() 

print "\nIf you dont like your stats, tough shit. This is Cyberpanky N.O.W." 
print "\nPress enter to continue." 

# Choose Class 

print """In Cyberpanky N.O.W. there are only 3 character classes. 

1. Samurai: Badass mercenaries. Can make multiple attacks. 
2. Street Docs: Hackers/Doctors. Can heal & hack. 
3. Shaman: Magical prophets that follow spirit animals and cast miracles 
type = int(raw_input("Please type a 1, 2, or 3 > ")) 

if type == 1: 
    character_class = "Samurai" 
    class_power = """* Attack multiple times for a -2 to hit penalty. 
* Uses a D10 for Physical hit box. 
* Has a + 1 to hit bonus that levels up to level 5. 
    name = raw_input("Alright {}, tell me your name >".format(character_class)) 

elif type == 2: 
    character_class = "Street Doc" 
    class_power = """* Roll IQ to mess with electronics 
* Can heal party members after combat for 1D4 Hit Points 
* Can perform cyberwear installation or surgery with proper tools. 
    name = raw_input("Alright {}, tell me your name >".format(character_class)) 

elif type == 3: 
    character_class = "Shaman" 
    class_power = """* Can cast Miracles. 
* Can call for a saving grace if they are on their last Cool Hit Box 
* Can do favors for their god for more miracles, or pay a tithe. 
    name = raw_input("Alright {}, tell me your name >".format(character_class)) 

# Alignment 

print"""\nAlright {}, pick an alignment, it's not that important; 

1. Narcissist: Cocky bastard, you think you are the best. 
2. Neutral: Pretty self explanatory dipshit. 
3. Nihilist: You care about nothing Lebowski, You'll cut off their Johnson. 

x = int(raw_input("Please type a 1, 2, or 3 > ")) 

if x == 1: 
    alignment = "Narcissist" 

elif x == 2: 
    alignment = "Neutral" 

elif x == 3: 
    alignment = "Nihilist" 

print "\nOk you chose {} for an alignment, press enter to continue.".format(

# Functions for ID generation 

def gen_id(): 
    global gender_id 
    one = "1. Straight male" 
    two = "2. Gay male" 
    three = "3. Transgender male pre-op" 
    four = "4. Transgender male post-op" 
    five = "5. Bisexual male" 
    six = "6. Straight female" 
    seven = "7. Gay female" 
    eight = "8. Transgender female pre-op" 
    nine = "9. Transgender female post-op" 
    ten = "10. Bisexual female" 
    list = [one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten] 
    print "\nPlease hit enter to roll 1D10" 
    gender_id = random.choice(list) 
    print "You rolled {}, press enter to continue.".format(gender_id) 

# Ethnic Profile 
def eth_pr(): 
    global ethnic_pr 
    one = "1. Native American" 
    two = "2. West European" 
    three = "3. East European" 
    four = "4. North Asian" 
    five = "5. South Asian" 
    six = "6. Pacific" 
    seven = "7. North African" 
    eight = "8. South African" 
    nine = "9. Slavic/Caucuses" 
    ten = "10. Hispanic" 
    list = [one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten] 
    print "\nPlease hit enter to roll 1D10" 
    ethnic_pr = random.choice(list) 
    print "You rolled {}, press enter to continue.".format(ethnic_pr) 

# Family Class Distinction 
def fam_cls(): 
    global fcd 
    one = "1. Homeless" 
    two = "2. Impoverished" 
    three = "3. Lower Class" 
    four = "4. Lower Middle Class" 
    five = "5. Middle Class" 
    six = "6. Comfortable" 
    seven = "7. Upper Middle Class" 
    eight = "8. Upper Class" 
    nine = "9. Job Creators" 
    ten = "10. Warren Buffett" 
    list = [one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten] 
    print "Please hit enter to roll 1D10" 
    fcd = random.choice(list) 
    print "You rolled {}, press enter to continue.".format(fcd) 

# Whats Good With Your Folks 
def wha_goo(): 
    global wg, one_x, two_x 
    one_x = "1. Things Are Good With Your Folks; Go to Current Family Affairs" 
    two_x = "2. Your folks are fucked; go to Your Folks Got Fucked" 
    list = [one_x, two_x] 
    print "Please hit enter to roll 1D2" 
    wg = random.choice(list) 
    print "You rolled {}, press enter to continue.".format(wg) 

# Your Folks Got Fucked 
def yo_fo(): 
    global fogo_fuck 
    one = "1. Your parents were mugged and murdered, just like Batman" 
    two = "2. Your parents were both convicted of murder" 
    three = "3. Parents decapitated by a truck" 
    four = "4. Parents addicted to coke, put you in an orphanage" 
    five = "5. Parents were corporate spies and assinated in front of you" 
    six = "6. Parents abandonded you at a young age and joined a cult" 
    seven = "7. Your parents died from STDs contracted from aldultery" 
    eight = "8. Parents owed mob a bunch of money, sleeping with fishies" 
    nine = "9. Nuclear explosion incinerated parents, their shadow remains" 
    ten = "10. Parents shot themselves immediately after you were born." 
    list = [one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten] 
    print "Please hit enter to roll 1D10" 
    fogo_fuck = random.choice(list) 
    print "You rolled {}, press enter to continue.".format(fogo_fuck) 

# Current Family Affairs 
def cu_fa(): 
    global cur_fam, one_y, two_y 
    one_y = "1. Things are ok with family, go to Nature Or Nurture" 
    two_y = "2. Your family is fucked, go to Your Family Is Fucked" 
    list = [one_y, two_y] 
    print "Please hit enter to roll 1D2" 
    cur_fam = random.choice(list) 
    print "You rolled {}, press enter to continue.".format(cur_fam) 

# Your Family Got Fucked 
def fa_fu(): 
    global fam_fuk 
    one = "1. Market tanked with president Paul, dead broke family." 
    two = "2. Home invaders raped and murded the women in your family" 
    three = "3. Racial Supremisicist drove your family from their home" 
    four = "4. Whole family was abducted by aliens, never seen again" 
    five = "5. Radiation leak hospitalized your whole family." 
    six = "6. Family was accidentally napalmed by the UN, all dead." 
    seven = "7. Family came down with malaria" 
    eight = "8. Family has some obvious dealings with Illuminati" 
    nine = "9. Family eaten alive by cannibals" 
    ten = "10. Make it up dipshit" 
    list = [one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten] 
    fam_fuk = random.choice(list) 
    print "You rolled {}, press enter to continue.".format(fam_fuk) 

# Nature Or Nurture 
def na_nu(): 
    global nat_nur 
    one = "1. Your childhood was very boring & average" 
    two = "2. Your childhood was spent moving from city to city" 
    three = "3. Your childhood was depraved; hungry and lonely" 
    four = "4. Your childhood was rewarding, social & fun." 
    five = "5. You were a sick child, spent a lot of time in bed" 
    six = "6. You were sent to a preppy boarding school as a kid" 
    seven = "7. You got addicted to drugs; it screwed you up." 
    eight = "8. You killed another kid, spent time in a hospital" 
    nine = "9. You were a child genius, but had few friends" 
    ten = "10. Make it up dipshit" 
    list = [one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten] 
    print "Please hit enter to roll 1D10" 
    nat_nur = random.choice(list) 
    print "You rolled {}, press enter to continue.".format(nat_nur) 

# General Disposition 
def ge_di(): 
    global gen_dis 
    one = "1. Friendly" 
    two = "2. Unfriendly" 
    three = "3. Shy" 
    four = "4. Outgoing" 
    five = "5. Unpretentious" 
    six = "6. Pretentious" 
    seven = "7. Hyperactive" 
    eight = "8. Depressed" 
    nine = "9. Wonderful Human Being" 
    ten = "10. Scumbag" 
    list = [one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten] 
    print "Please hit enter to roll 1D10" 
    gen_dis = random.choice(list) 
    print "You rolled {}, press enter to continue.".format(gen_dis) 

# Whats the most important thing in the world 
def wh_wo(): 
    global wha_wor 
    one = "1. Money" 
    two = "2. Kicking ass" 
    three = "3. Getting fucked up" 
    four = "4. Family & friends" 
    five = "5. Business" 
    six = "6. The internet" 
    seven = "7. Faith" 
    eight = "8. Style" 
    nine = "9. Anarchy" 
    ten = "10. Selfishness" 
    list = [one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten] 
    print "Please hit enter to roll 1D10" 
    wha_wor = random.choice(list) 
    print "You rolled {}, press enter to continue.".format(wha_wor) 

# Who is to blame for the worlds problems? 
def wh_pr(): 
    global who_pro 
    one = "1. Corporations" 
    two = "2. Leftists" 
    three = "3. Fate" 
    four = "4. Religion" 
    five = "5. The Illuminatus" 
    six = "6. The News Media" 
    seven = "7. The UN" 
    eight = "8. Your Neighbors" 
    nine = "9. Aliens" 
    ten = "10. President Ron Paul" 
    list = [one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten] 
    print "Please hit enter to roll 1D10" 
    who_pro = random.choice(list) 
    print "You rolled {}, press enter to continue.".format(who_pro) 

# How do you solve the worlds problems 
def ho_pr(): 
    global how_pro 
    one = "1. Kill them all" 
    two = "2. But them out" 
    three = "3. Intimidation" 
    four = "4. Diplomacy" 
    five = "5. Free trade" 
    six = "6. Seduction" 
    seven = "7. New-Age spirituality" 
    eight = "8. Religious fanaticism" 
    nine = "9. Federal power" 
    ten = "10. Who gives a shit" 
    list = [one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten] 
    print "Please hit enter to roll 1D10" 
    how_pro = random.choice(list) 
    print "You rolled {}, press enter to continue.".format(how_pro) 

# ID Generation 

print ("Alright {}, now we need to figure out your personality & life story." 
print "\n\t\t1. Ethnics, Genes, & Looks" 
print "\nTo figure out your age, we add 15 to 1D10.\n" 
age = random.randint(1, 10) + 15 
print "Press enter to continue dipshit." 
print "Age:", age 
print "\t\tGender Identity\n" 
print "\t\tEthnic Profile\n" 
print "\t\t2. Ballz Of Our Fathers" 
print "\n" 
print "\t\tFamily Class Distinction" 
print "\t\tWhat's Good With Your Folks" 
if wg == one_x: 
    fogo_fuck = "none" 
    print "\t\tCurrent Family Affairs" 
    print "\t\tNature Or Nurture?" 
    if cur_fam == one_y: 
     fam_fuk = "none" 
     print "\t\tNature Or Nurture?" 
    if cur_fam == two_y: 
     print "\t\t Your Family Is Fucked" 
if wg == two_x: 
    print "\t\tYour Folks Got Fucked" 
    print "\t\tCurrent Family Affairs" 
    print "\t\tNature Or Nurture?" 
    if cur_fam == one_y: 
     print "\t\tNature Or Nurture?" 
    if cur_fam == two_y: 
     print "\t\t Your Family Is Fucked" 
print "\t\t3. What Makes you tick" 
print "\n" 
print "\t\tGeneral Disposition" 
print "\t\tWhat's The Most Important Thing In The World?" 
print "\t\tWho Is To Blame For The World's Problems?" 
print "\t\tHow Do You Solve Your/The Worlds Problem" 

#Starting Money 
gold = roll_stats() * 100 

print "Ok so lets sum that up, please hit enter to continue" 


# Character Sheet Function. 
def char_shee(): 
    print "Name:", name 
    print "Class:", character_class 
    print "Class Powers:", class_power 
    print "Alignment:", alignment 
    print "Power:", pow, pow_mod() 
    print "Intelligence:", iq, iq_mod() 
    print "Agility:", agi, agi_mod() 
    print "Constitution:", con, con_mod() 
    print "Cynicism:", cyn, cyn_mod() 
    print "Charisma:", cha, cha_mod() 
    print "All Characters Start With 3 Hit Dice" 
\t\t{0}' History 
""".format(name, age, gender_id, ethnic_pr, fcd, wg, fogo_fuck, cur_fam,fam_fuk, nat_nur, gen_dis, wha_wor, who_pro, how_pro) 





你得到一個IndexError因爲你不擁有電子在上線517 .format()語句nough位置參數,您應該有15個,但你只得到了14





我想我回答了我自己的問題,當它沒有選擇時,添加了幾行說fam_fuk =「none」的行,現在看起來像它的工作!非常感謝! – lerugray



class player(object): 
     def __init__(self): 
      self.pow = roll_stats() 
      self.iq = roll_stats() 
      self.agi = roll_stats() 
      self.con = roll_stats() 
      self.cyn = roll_stats() 
      self.cha = roll_stats() 
      self.special = '' 
     def __str__(self): 
      return """" 


p = player() 
print p 

我有一種感覺,我可以使用類使事情變得更加相似,但我還沒有起牀到書中IM班,又是那麼的學習我沒有嘗試過使用它們,生病玩弄這雖然, 謝謝! – lerugray



return roll_stats(): 
    def d6(): 
     return random.randint(1, 6) 

    return sum(sorted((d6(), d6(), d6(), d6()))[1:4]) 

太棒了!我很感激! – lerugray
