// This is from the btnSubmit Postback event that isn't working anymore
foreach (CheckBox cb in ShowPermissions.Controls.OfType<CheckBox>())
if (cb.Checked)
// Add New Admins Permissions
Permission p = new Permission();
p.AdminUserID = au.id;
p.AdminMenuID = Convert.ToInt32(cb.ID.ToString().Substring(4));
submitResult.InnerHtml += cb.ID.ToString();
// Does not run now?
// can see the checkbox object
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
FunctionType = Request.QueryString["func"] != null && Request.QueryString["func"] != "" ? Request.QueryString["func"] : null;
RID = Request.QueryString["rid"] != null && Request.QueryString["rid"] != "" ? int.Parse(Request.QueryString["rid"]) : -1;
if (!IsPostBack && FunctionType == "edit" && RID != -1)
// Populate User details for Edit
// Populate checkboxes and check selected options
PopulateAdminPermissionOptions(true, RID);
// Disable password change
else if (!IsPostBack)
chkChangePassword.Visible = false;
PopulateAdminPermissionOptions(false, -1);
private void PopulateAdminPermissionOptions(bool blnPopulateForEdit, int RID)
// Get Logged in Admin ID
int intAdminId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["AdminID"]);
int intAdminTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["AdminTypeID"]);
using (NewGeorgeDataContext ngdb = new NewGeorgeDataContext())
var am = ngdb.AdminMenus.AsQueryable();
// Hide Add and Edit Options from Non Super Users
var amUsers = ngdb.AdminMenus.Where(x => x.id > 2 && x.id < 5);
if (intAdminTypeId > 1) am = am.Except(amUsers);
foreach (var m in am.OrderBy(x => x.MenuTypeID).ThenBy(x => x.id))
// Add New CheckBox
CheckBox cb = new CheckBox();
cb.ID = "chk_" + m.id;
cb.CssClass = "chkItems";
cb.Text = m.AdminMenuType.Name + ": " + m.Name;
// Get Admin Permission objects
if (blnPopulateForEdit)
var ap = ngdb.Permissions.SingleOrDefault(x => x.AdminUserID == RID && x.AdminMenuID == m.id);
if (ap != null)
cb.Checked = true;
ShowPermissions.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<p>"));
ShowPermissions.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</p>"));
讓我看看你的'Page_Load'事件 – Rahul
你能顯示'Page_Load'和你創建複選框代碼的方法嗎? – gzaxx
我已經添加了page_load事件和複選框填充方法 – JeffreyJ