2015-10-12 127 views







//private instance variables declared below. 

//name of the super hero 
private String name; 
//name of power up variable 
private int powerUp; 
//name of the strength variable 
private int strength; 
private int storePower; 

Power ups work in a way that if the powerUp is greater then or equal to 10 then add 5 to strength 
if the powerUp is greater than or equal to 5 then add 2 to the strength 
if it is less than 5 then add 1 to the strength. 

public void powerUp(int powerUp){ 
this.powerUp = powerUp; 
    if(powerUp >= 10){ 
     storePower = 5; 
     strength = storePower + strength; 
     //this system out was to test if this bit of code is working. 
     System.out.println("Power up is set to 10 or higher!" + " The power is: " + strength); 
    }else if(powerUp >= 5){ 
     storePower = 2; 
     strength = storePower + strength; 
    }else if (powerUp < 5){ 
     storePower = 1; 
     strength = storePower + strength; 
     System.out.println("Something is not right.."); 


//constructor for if the player wanted to specify the name and the strength 
public Superhero(String name, int strength){ 
    this.name = name; 
    this.strength = strength; 

    System.out.println(name + " " + strength); 

//if the user doesn't enter the strength as it is optional 
//this constructor below will run and set the default 
public Superhero(String name){ 
    this.name = name; 
    this.strength = 10 + storePower; 
    System.out.println(name + " " + strength); 

} 撲滅類下面

public class Fight{ 
public static void main(String[] args){ 

    //creating a new instance of the Superhero object 
    Superhero cyclops = new Superhero("cyclops"); 







_I不能讓這些加起來不是問題。爲什麼你不能讓他們加起來?你的調試顯示了什麼? –


我曾嘗試將兩個變量加在一起,但它不起作用 – user3135672


this.strength = strength + storePower; – user3135672




public void powerUp(int powerUp){ 
this.powerUp = powerUp; 
    if(powerUp >= 10){ 
     storePower = 5; 
      strength = storePower+powerUp 
     //this system out was to test if this bit of code is working. 
     System.out.println("Power up is set to 10 or higher!" + " The power is: " + strength ); 
    }else if(powerUp >= 5 & powerUp <10){ 
     storePower = 2; 
     strength = powerUp+StorePower 
System.out.println("Power up is set to 5 or greater but less than 10!" + " The power is: " + strength ); 
    }else if (powerUp < 5){ 
     storePower = 1; 
     Strength = storePower + powerUp; 
System.out.println("Power up is set to less than 5!" + " The power is: " + strength ); 
     System.out.println("Something is not right.."); 


該代碼帶來了不少錯誤無法使其工作 – user3135672


即使在修復它仍然保持獨眼巨人的錯誤10 – user3135672


您能否請告訴我們你需要什麼輸出? ,這個代碼應該打印。加電設置爲10或更高!力量是15 – developer2015