2016-11-13 60 views


程序停止孩子內部和if (close(pfd1[1]) == -1)


/* Note: working under the assumption that the messages are of equal length */ 

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) 
    int pfd1[2];   
    char buf[BUF_SIZE]; 

    //checks pipefd1 
    if (pipe(pfd1) == -1) 
     printf("Error opening pipe 1!\n"); 

    printf("Pipe opened with success. Forking ...\n"); 

    // child 1 
    switch (fork()) 
     case -1: 
      printf("Error forking child 1!\n"); 

     case 0: 
      printf("\nChild 1 executing...\n"); 
      /* close writing end of first pipe */ 
      if (close(pfd1[1]) == -1) 
       printf("Error closing writing end of pipe 1.\n"); 

      /* read from pipe 1 */ 
      if (read(pfd1[0], buf, 2000)) 
       printf("Error reading to pipe 1.\n"); 
      /* close reading end of first pipe */ 
      if (close(pfd1[1]) == -1) 
       printf("Error closing writing end of pipe 1.\n"); 

      printf("Message received child ONE: %s", buf); 
      printf("Exiting child 1...\n"); 

     default: //parent breaks just out 

    printf("inside parent\n"); 

    int child = 1; 
    char *message = "Hey child1, this is your parent speaking"; 

    if(child == 1) 
     //close read end of pipe 
     if(close(pfd1[0]) == -1) 
      printf("Error closing reading end of the pipe.\n"); 

     printf("Parent closed read end of pipe1\n"); 

     //read end is closed, now write to child 
     if(write(pfd1[1], message, strlen(message))) 
      printf("Error writing to the pipe."); 

     printf("Writing to child1 succeeded\n"); 

    if (wait(NULL) == -1) 
     printf("Error waiting.\n"); 

    if (wait(NULL) == -1) 
     printf("Error waiting.\n"); 

    printf("Parent finishing.\n"); 

有什麼錯誤?使用'perror()'或類似的。 – cdarke




/* close reading end of first pipe */ 
if (close(pfd1[0]) == -1) 
    printf("Error closing writing end of pipe 1.\n"); 


/* read from pipe 1 */ 
if (read(pfd1[0], buf, 2000) < 0) { 
    printf("Error reading to pipe 1.\n"); 

//read end is closed, now write to child 
if(write(pfd1[1], message, strlen(message)) < 0) { 
    printf("Error writing to the pipe."); 

哇謝謝你! – Rodbjartson



#include <errno.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h> 

/* This declaration and macro would really go into a header file: */ 
void fatal_error_helper(const char* msg, const char* sourcefile, int lineno, const char* syserr); 

#define fatal_system_error(m) \ 
    fatal_error_helper((m), __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)) 

/* This function definition would really go into a .c file: */ 
void fatal_error_helper(const char* const msg, 
         const char* const sourcefile, 
         const int lineno, 
         const char * const syserr) 
    fflush(stdout); /* Don't cross the streams! */ 
      "%s at %s:%d: %s. Program terminated.\n", 
      msg, sourcefile, lineno, syserr 

/* Test driver: */ 
FILE* fails_to_open_file(const char* filename) 
/* Returns a FILE* to an open file. If the operation fails, prints an 
* error message and terminates the program. 
    /* Do this in general before calling the function whose error value 
    * you check. Otherwise, you might report the wrong error message 
    * from an earlier call and really confuse someone. 
    errno = 0; 
    FILE* result = NULL; 

    result = fopen(filename, ""); /* Fails. */ 
    if (!result) 
     fatal_system_error("Failed to open file"); 
    return result; 

int main(void) 
    return EXIT_SUCCESS; 

這給出了一個錯誤信息,例如:Failed to open file at prog.c:26: Invalid argument. Program terminated.