我正在嘗試將指定日期的所有任務收集到新電子郵件的正文中。這包括標記爲跟進的電子郵件。如何選擇Outlook中標記爲跟進特定日期的所有電子郵件(C#Outlook AddOn)
以下代碼完成我所需要的操作,但速度很慢。通過所有的電子郵件的迭代是其中代碼浪費時間(childFolder.DefaultItemType == Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem
public static void AddTaskList(DateTime tasksDate, Boolean append)
// need to create a variable with the date of 1/1/4501 12:00:00 AM (this counts as the empty date in Outlook)
DateTime nonDate = new DateTime(4501, 1, 1);
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
Outlook.Application application = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application;
Outlook.Inspector inspector = application.ActiveInspector();
Outlook.MailItem myMailItem = (Outlook.MailItem)inspector.CurrentItem;
string body = "";
body += "\nExtracted from Outlook tasks (" + tasksDate.ToShortDateString() + "):\n\n";
Outlook.Folder root = application.Session.DefaultStore.GetRootFolder() as Outlook.Folder;
// Find the tasks folder and extract all the tasks for the specified day
ArrayList taskList = new ArrayList();
foreach (Outlook.Folder childFolder in root.Folders)
if (childFolder.DefaultItemType == Outlook.OlItemType.olTaskItem)
foreach (Outlook.TaskItem item in childFolder.Items)
if (item.ConversationTopic != null && item.DueDate.Equals(tasksDate))
TaskItem myTask = new TaskItem();
myTask.Subject = item.Subject.ToString();
myTask.ToDoTaskOrdinal = item.ToDoTaskOrdinal;
myTask.Complete = item.Complete;
else if (childFolder.DefaultItemType == Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem)
foreach (object item in childFolder.Items)
Outlook.MailItem mail = item as Outlook.MailItem;
if (mail != null)
if (mail.IsMarkedAsTask && mail.TaskDueDate.Equals(tasksDate))
TaskItem myTask = new TaskItem();
myTask.Subject = mail.TaskSubject.ToString();
myTask.ToDoTaskOrdinal = mail.ToDoTaskOrdinal;
if (mail.TaskCompletedDate.Equals(nonDate))
myTask.Complete = false;
myTask.Complete = true;
if (taskList.Count == 0)
body += "\tNo tasks found...\n";
Boolean completeTasksFound = false;
// Sort the task list by the ordinals and then add to body of email
foreach (TaskItem task in taskList)
String taskLineOut = "\t" + task.Subject;
if (task.Complete)
taskLineOut += "*";
completeTasksFound = true;
taskLineOut += "\n";
body += taskLineOut;
if (completeTasksFound)
body += "* completed\n\n";
body += "\n";
if (append)
myMailItem.Body += body;
myMailItem.Body = body;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
是否有該文件夾中過濾項目的一些方法? Find和FindNext方法看起來很有前途,但是我找不到如何指定將使用的過濾器應用於項目的IsMarkedAsTask和TaskDueDate元素。
這是怎麼題外話? – 2011-02-02 00:48:08
我建議你停止使用`ArrayList`。爲什麼不用`List`代替? –
2011-02-02 00:48:54