當我啓動我的Python程序,終端洪水與:的Python + GTK - 如何禁止警告
rcGUI.py:331: Warning: Attempt to add property GtkSettings::gtk-label-select-on-focus after class was initialised
label1 = gtk.Label("Current tools configured:")
rcGUI.py:286: Warning: Attempt to add property GtkSettings::gtk-scrolled-window-placement after class was initialised
scroll_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
rcGUI.py:291: DeprecationWarning: use gtk.TreeView
infoList = gtk.CList(2, ["Tool" , "Version"])
rcGUI.py:291: Warning: Attempt to add property GtkSettings::gtk-button-images after class was initialised
infoList = gtk.CList(2, ["Tool" , "Version"])
rcGUI.py:217: Warning: Attempt to add property GtkSettings::gtk-can-change-accels after class was initialised
toolCombo = gtk.combo_box_entry_new_text()
rcGUI.py:217: Warning: Attempt to add property GtkSettings::gtk-menu-popup-delay after class was initialised
toolCombo = gtk.combo_box_entry_new_text()
rcGUI.py:217: Warning: Attempt to add property GtkSettings::gtk-menu-popdown-delay after class was initialised
toolCombo = gtk.combo_box_entry_new_text()
rcGUI.py:217: Warning: Attempt to add property GtkSettings::gtk-entry-select-on-focus after class was initialised
toolCombo = gtk.combo_box_entry_new_text()
rcGUI.py:217: Warning: Attempt to add property GtkSettings::gtk-entry-password-hint-timeout after class was initialised
toolCombo = gtk.combo_box_entry_new_text()
相關討論:https://mail.gnome.org/archives/commits-list/2013-April/msg07206.html – Anonimista