2017-04-03 22 views
int find(char* a, trie_node* node, int result){//need to make sure a is not NULL at beginning 
    int i,temp; 
    if ((a != NULL && a[0] !='\n') && node->children[a[0] - 97] == NULL) 
     result = 0;//not found any children satisfied the requirement 
    else if ((a != NULL && a[0] !='\n') && node->children[a[0] - 97] != NULL){ 
     temp = a[0]; 
     find(a, node->children[temp - 97], result); 
    } else{//a == NULL, which means end of the find procedure, just return the num_children 
     result = node->num_children; //most inner one 
    return result; 




爲什麼你的函數有'result'參數?它的價值從未被使用過。 – melpomene


@melpomene最初,我沒有在添加功能。然而,因爲我需要返回函數結尾的結果,我認爲最好有一個參數作爲一個全局變量,它可以存儲來自內部函數的值。這就是爲什麼我添加結果。 –


參數是局部變量。 「*作爲全局變量的參數*」沒有意義。 – melpomene




int find(char* a, trie_node* node) { 
    //need to make sure a is not NULL at beginning 
    int i,temp; 
    if ((a != NULL && a[0] !='\n') && node->children[a[0] - 97] == NULL) 
     return 0;//not found any children satisfied the requirement 
    else if ((a != NULL && a[0] !='\n') && 
      node->children[a[0] - 97] != NULL) 
     temp = a[0]; 
     return find(a, node->children[temp - 97]); 
    //a == NULL, which means end of the find procedure, just return the num_children 
    return node->num_children; //most inner one 

感謝您的回覆!我在哪裏添加這個 –


找到函數的第10行... – cleblanc


這是有效的!萬分感謝! –


我不明白你的問題,但我認爲這是你想要做的。當您調用該函數時,可能會忘記捕獲第二個if塊中的返回值。 (但爲什麼你將該結果參數傳遞給函數?我認爲那裏沒有用處。)

int find(char* a, trie_node* node, int result){//need to make sure a is not NULL at beginning 

    int i,temp; 
    if ((a != NULL && a[0] !='\n') && node->children[a[0] - 97] == NULL) 
     result = 0;//not found any children satisfied the requirement 
    else if ((a != NULL && a[0] !='\n') && node->children[a[0] - 97] != NULL){ 
     temp = a[0]; 
     result= find(a, node->children[temp - 97], result); 
    } else{//a == NULL, which means end of the find procedure, just return the num_children 
     result = node->num_children; //most inner one 
    return result; 