trait Context[T]
self =>
trait Rule
def apply(value: T): Boolean
implicit class RichRule[A <: Rule](a: A)
def and[B <: Rule](b: B): and[A, B] = self.and(a, b)
def or[B <: Rule](b: B): or[A, B] = self.or(a, b)
sealed trait Group[A <: Rule, B <: Rule] extends Rule
def a: A
def b: B
override def apply(value: T) = ???
case class and[A <: Rule, B <: Rule](a: A, b: B) extends Group[A, B]
case class or[A <: Rule, B <: Rule](a: A, b: B) extends Group[A, B]
new Context[String]
class MyRule extends Rule
override def apply(value: String) = true
case class A() extends MyRule
case class B() extends MyRule
val x1: A and B or A = A() and B() or A()
這個工程,我打算,但現在到了棘手的部分。我想介紹一個Type Type Combination
trait Combination[-A <: Rule, -B <: Rule]
type Result <: Rule
def combine(a: A, b: B): Result
trait AndCombination[-A <: Rule, -B <: Rule] extends Combination[A, B]
trait OrCombination[-A <: Rule, -B <: Rule] extends Combination[A, B]
implicit class RichRule[A <: Rule](a: A)
def and[B <: Rule](b: B)(implicit c: AndCombination[A, B]): and[A, B] = ???
def or[B <: Rule](b: B)(implicit c: OrCombination[A, B]): or[A, B] = self.or(a, b)
implicit val c1 = new Combination[MyRule, MyRule]
type Result = MyRule
def combine(a: A, b: B): MyRule = a
val x: A and B = A() and B()
A() and B() and A()
會引發一個隱含的缺失錯誤:缺少Combination[and[A, B], A]
。但我希望它使用它已知道如何處理(Combination[and[A, B]#Result, A]
)的and[A, B]
(type Result = MyRule
對我來說,保留組合規則val x: A and B or A
trait Context[T]
self =>
trait Rule
trait Value extends Rule
trait Group[A <: Rule, B <: Rule] extends Rule
def a: A
def b: B
implicit val resolver: Resolver[_ <: Group[A, B]]
case class and[A <: Rule, B <: Rule](a: A, b: B)(implicit val resolver: Resolver[and[A, B]]) extends Group[A, B]
implicit class RichRule[A <: Rule](a: A)
def and[B <: Rule](b: B)(implicit resolver: Resolver[and[A, B]]) = self.and[A, B](a, b)
trait Resolver[-A <: Rule]
type R <: Value
def resolve(a: A): R
object O extends Context[String]
implicit val c1 = new Resolver[A and A]
override type R = A
override def resolve(a: O.and[A, A]) = ???
implicit def c2[A <: Value, B <: Value, C <: Value](implicit r1: Resolver[A and B]) = new Resolver[A and B and C]
override type R = C
override def resolve(a: A and B and C): C =
val x: r1.R = r1.resolve(a.a)
new c2(x)
class c2[A <: Value, B <: Value](val a: A)(implicit r2: Resolver[A and B]) extends Resolver[A and B]
override type R = B
override def resolve(a: O.and[A, B]) = a.b
case class A() extends Value
val x: A and A and A = A() and A() and A()
您正在使用什麼版本的Scala以及哪些IDE? – eliasah
2.11.6使用IntelliJ,通過sbt控制檯編譯雖然 – Taig