當試圖移動部分排序列表時,您通過指定a[k] = a[k-1]
來覆蓋現有的數字 - 但a[k]
inp = '1 4 6 3 1 6 3 5 8 1'
# 'a' is the input list
a = [int(x) for x in inp.split()]
# 'r' is the sorted list
r = []
# In the original descriptions, insertion sort operates
# on a single list while iterating over it. However, this
# may lead to major failurs, thus you better carry the
# sorted list in a separate variable if memory is not
# a limiting factor (which it can hardly be for lists that
# are typed in by the user).
for e in a:
if not len(r):
# The first item is the inialization
# For each subsequent item, find the spot in 'r'
# where it has to go.
idx = 0
while idx < len(r) and r[idx] < e: idx += 1
# We are lazy and use insert() instead of manually
# extending the list by 1 place and copying over
# all subsequent items [idx:] to the right
r.insert(idx, e)
按照wiki頁面http://pastebin.com/2tx2bcFT https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insertion_sort –
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