2016-04-06 16 views



我想實現我的2-3 3對我的.txt文件,但我的指針一直給我影響數據在我的整個程序中插入一個空值。

* TwoThreeTree class 
* A leaf-based 2-3 tree: 
* - all data is stored in the leaves 
* - interior nodes contain only index values to guide searches 

class TwoThreeTree 
* Nodes for the TwoThreeTree 

private class TwoThreeNode 

    public String[] key; 
    public ProductRecord data; 
    public TwoThreeNode[] child; 
    public int numKeys; 
    public TwoThreeNode parent; 

    // Create a new leaf for data d with key k. The leaf should have parent p. 
    public TwoThreeNode(String k, ProductRecord d, TwoThreeNode p) 
     key = new String[1]; // A leaf holds only ONE key, with its associated data. 
     key[0] = k; // The key of a data item! 
     data = d; // The data item associated with this key. 
     numKeys = 1; 
     child = null; // A leaf will _never_ have children. 
     parent = p; 

    // Create a new interior Node to contain index key k with parent p 
    // and two children l and r. 
    public TwoThreeNode(String k, TwoThreeNode p, TwoThreeNode l, TwoThreeNode r) 
     key = new String[2]; // May later hold 2 index values. 
     key[0] = k; // The index value. 
     key[1] = null; 
     data = null; // Interior nodes never contain real data (only index keys to guide the search). 
     numKeys = 1; 
     child = new TwoThreeNode[3]; // May later have 3 children. 
     child[0] = l; 
     child[1] = r; 
     child[2] = null; 
     parent = p; 

    * printInorder 
    * Do an inorder traversal of the subtree rooted at 
    * the calling TwoThreeNode, printing the data values 
    * (i.e., only the data stored in the leaves) 
    public void printInorder() 
     ProductRecord code; 

     if (root.isLeaf()) 
      code = root.data; 

      if (root.numKeys == 2) 

     /*************** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***********************/ 

    } // end printInorder 

    * correctChild 
    * Figure out which child to move to in the search for searchKey. 
    * Return a pointer to that child. 
    * Idea: 
    * - i is the index of the child we think we should move to 
    * - start by assuming we should move to the rightmost child 
    * - loop: if searchKey is less than the index value separating 
    * the current child from the child immediately to the left of it 
    * move i to the child immediately to the left 
    public TwoThreeNode correctChild(String searchKey) 
     TwoThreeNode result = null; 

     int i = numKeys+1; 

     if (root!=null) 
      if (!root.isLeaf()) 
       if (this.numKeys == 1) // three child nodes 
        if (searchKey.compareTo(this.key[0]) < 0) 
         result = root.child[0]; 
        else //greater than 0 move right 
         result = root.child[1]; 

       if(root.numKeys ==2) // two child node 
        if (searchKey.compareTo(this.key[0]) < 0) 
         result = root.child[0]; 
        else if(searchKey.compareTo(this.key[0]) > 0) //greater than the first key, move right 
         result = root.child[2]; 
        else // the the middle child is less than or equal to the first key 
         result = root.child[1]; 

     return result; 
     /*************** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***********************/ 

    * isLeaf 
    * Return true if the TwoThreeNode is a leaf; false 
    * otherwise. 
    * Note: A TwoThreeNode is a leaf if it has no children 
    * and if it has no children, then child is null. 
    public boolean isLeaf() 
     return (child == null); 

} // end class TwoThreeNode 

* Returning to class TwoThreeTree 

private TwoThreeNode root; 

* TwoThreeTree constructor 
* Create an empty tree 
public TwoThreeTree() 
    root = null; 

* findLeaf 
* Return the leaf where searchKey should be 
* (if it is in the tree at all). 
* (A private helper method for search and insert. 
private TwoThreeNode findLeaf(String searchKey) 
    TwoThreeNode Lsearch = null; 
    //ProductRecord code = null; 

    if (root!=null) 
     while (!root.isLeaf()) 


    /*if (root !=null) 

     result = find(searchKey); 

    /*if (root == null) 
     result = find(searchKey); 

    //res = find(searchKey); 

    return Lsearch; 

    /*************** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***********************/ 


* find 
* Find and return the ProductRecord stored with key 
* searchKey (or return null if searchKey is not in 
* any leaf in the tree). 

public ProductRecord find(String searchKey) 

    TwoThreeNode result; 
    ProductRecord code = null; 

    if (root!=null) 
     result = findLeaf(searchKey); 

     if (result!=null) 
      code = root.data; 


    return code; 

    /*************** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***********************/ 


* insert 
* Insert ProductRecord p with key newKey into the tree. 
*  - First, search for newKey all the way to the leaves. 
*  - If the leaf contains newKey, simply return. 
*  - Otherwise, call recursive method addNewLeaf to handle 
*  the insertion (including any splitting and 
*  pushing up required). 

public void insert(String newKey, ProductRecord p ) 
    TwoThreeNode curr; 
    TwoThreeNode nextCurr; 
    boolean found = false; 
    int i; 

    if (root == null) 
     // Empty tree: Add first node as the root (it has no parent) 

     root = new TwoThreeNode(newKey, p, null); 
     // Tree is not empty. 
     // Find the leaf that would contain newKey if newKey is already in the tree. 

     curr = findLeaf(newKey); 

     if (curr != null && !curr.key[0].equals(newKey)) 
      // The leaf at which the search ended does not contain searchKey. 
      // Insert! 

      addNewLeaf(newKey, p, curr); 
     else if (curr == null) 
      System.out.println("Not inserting " + newKey 
        + ": search failed with curr == null in non-empty tree"); 

    } // end else root != null 

} // end insert 

* addNewLeaf 
* Add a new leaf containing newKey and ProductRecord p into the tree. 
* Add the new leaf as a child of the parent of leaf lsearch 
* (where the search for newKey ended) if there's room. 
* Otherwise, if the parent of lsearch has no room, 
* split the parent and push the problem up to the grandparent. 
* All work at the grandparent or above (where all nodes --- 
* parent or child --- are interior nodes) is handled by 
* helper method addIndexValueAndChild. 
private void addNewLeaf(String newKey, ProductRecord p, TwoThreeNode lsearch) 
    TwoThreeNode lsParent = lsearch.parent; 
    TwoThreeNode newChild = new TwoThreeNode(newKey, p, lsParent); 
    int lsIndex = -1; // (will be) index of pointer to lsearch in lsParent.child array 
    // in case we have to split lsParent: 
    TwoThreeNode newParent; 
    String middleValue, largestValue; 
    TwoThreeNode secondLargestChild, largestChild; 

    if (lsParent == null) 
     // lsearch is the ONLY node in the tree (it's the root) 
     // create a new root to be the parent of lsearch and newChild 
     if (newKey.compareTo(lsearch.key[0]) < 0) 
      // newChild should be the left child, lsearch the right 
      root = new TwoThreeNode(lsearch.key[0], null, newChild, lsearch); 
      root = new TwoThreeNode(newKey, null, lsearch, newChild); 
     lsearch.parent = root; 
     newChild.parent = root; 
    else // lsearch has a parent (and lsearch is not the root) 
     if (lsearch == lsParent.child[0]) 
      lsIndex = 0; 
     else if (lsearch == lsParent.child[1]) 
      lsIndex = 1; 
     else if (lsParent.numKeys == 2 && lsearch == lsParent.child[2]) 
      lsIndex = 2; 
      System.out.println("ERROR in addNewLeaf: Leaf lsearch containing " + lsearch.key[0] 
        + " is not a child of its parent"); 

     if (lsParent.numKeys == 1) 
      // Parent has room for another leaf child 
      if (newKey.compareTo(lsearch.key[0]) < 0) 
       if (lsIndex == 1) 
        lsParent.child[2] = lsearch; 
        lsParent.child[1] = newChild; 
        lsParent.key[1] = lsearch.key[0]; 
        lsParent.child[2] = lsParent.child[1]; 
        lsParent.key[1] = lsParent.key[0]; 
        lsParent.child[1] = lsearch; 
        lsParent.child[0] = newChild; 
        lsParent.key[0] = lsearch.key[0]; 
      else // lsearch's key is < newKey 
       if (lsIndex == 1) 
        lsParent.child[2] = newChild; 
        lsParent.key[1] = newKey; 
        lsParent.child[2] = lsParent.child[1]; 
        lsParent.key[1] = lsParent.key[0]; 
        lsParent.child[1] = newChild; 
        lsParent.key[0] = newKey; 
      lsParent.numKeys = 2; 
      newChild.parent = lsParent; 
      // Parent has NO room for another leaf child --- split and push up 
      if (lsIndex == 2) // lsearch is rightmost of 3 children 
       if (lsearch.key[0].compareTo(newKey) < 0) 
        largestChild = newChild; 
        secondLargestChild = lsearch; 
        largestValue = newKey; 
        middleValue = lsParent.key[1]; 
       else // newKey < lsearch.key[0] 
        largestChild = lsearch; 
        secondLargestChild = newChild; 
        largestValue = lsearch.key[0]; 
        middleValue = lsParent.key[1]; 
      else if (lsIndex == 1) // lsearch is middle of 3 children 
       largestChild = lsParent.child[2]; 
       largestValue = lsParent.key[1]; 
       if (lsearch.key[0].compareTo(newKey) < 0) 
        secondLargestChild = newChild; 
        middleValue = newKey; 
       else // newKey < lsearch.key[0] 
        secondLargestChild = lsearch; 
        middleValue = lsearch.key[0]; 
        lsParent.child[1] = newChild; 
        newChild.parent = lsParent; 
      else // lsIndex == 0 lsearch is leftmost of 3 children 
       largestChild = lsParent.child[2]; 
       secondLargestChild = lsParent.child[1]; 
       largestValue = lsParent.key[1]; 
       middleValue = lsParent.key[0]; 
       if (lsearch.key[0].compareTo(newKey) < 0) 
        lsParent.child[1] = newChild; 
        lsParent.key[0] = newKey; 
       else // newKey < lsearch.key[0] 
        lsParent.child[1] = lsearch; 
        lsParent.child[0] = newChild; 
        lsParent.key[0] = lsearch.key[0]; 
       newChild.parent = lsParent; 
      newParent = new TwoThreeNode(largestValue, lsParent.parent, secondLargestChild, largestChild); 
      lsParent.numKeys = 1; 
      lsParent.key[1] = null; 
      lsParent.child[2] = null; 
      largestChild.parent = newParent; 
      secondLargestChild.parent = newParent; 
      // add new parent to grandparent: 
      if (lsParent.parent == null) 
       root = new TwoThreeNode(middleValue, null, lsParent, newParent); 
       lsParent.parent = root; 
       newParent.parent = root; 
       addIndexValueAndChild(lsParent.parent, middleValue, newParent); 
    } // end else lsearch has a parent 

* addIndexValueAndChild 
* Insert index value m and the corresponding new child (mChild) 
* into TwoThreeNode curr. 
* (A child of curr was split, and index value m and new child mChild 
* are the result of the split and must be added to curr, if possible. 
* If they can't be added to curr (because curr is already full), then 
* curr must also be split and the problem pushed up to curr's parent.) 
private void addIndexValueAndChild(TwoThreeNode curr, 
            String m, TwoThreeNode mChild) 
    TwoThreeNode newNode; 
    String midKey; 

    if (curr.numKeys == 1) 
     // There's room for m and its child in curr. 

     if (m.compareTo(curr.key[0]) < 0) 
      // First child of curr was split to create mChild. 
      // Order of keys: m < curr.key[0]. 
      // Order of children: curr.child[0] < mChild < curr.child[1]. 
      // m becomes the first key and its child becomes 
      // the middle child. 

      curr.key[1] = curr.key[0]; 
      curr.child[2] = curr.child[1]; 
      curr.key[0] = m; 
      curr.child[1] = mChild; 
      // Second child of curr was split to create mChild. 
      // Order of keys: curr.key[0] < m. 
      // Order of children: curr.child[0] < curr.child[1] < mChild. 
      // m becomes the second key and its child 
      // becomes the rightmost child. 

      curr.key[1] = m; 
      curr.child[2] = mChild; 
     curr.numKeys = 2; 
     mChild.parent = curr; 
     // There's no room for m and its child in curr. 
     // Split curr into two (the original 
     // TwoThreeNode curr and a new TwoThreeNode) and 
     // push the middle key and a pointer to the new 
     // TwoThreeNode up to the parent. 

     if (m.compareTo(curr.key[0]) < 0) 
      // First child of curr was split to create mChild. 
      // Order of keys: m < curr.key[0] < curr.key[1]. 
      // Order of children: 
      // curr.child[0] < mChild < curr.child[1] < curr.child[2]. 
      // Original node gets key m and children 
      // curr.child[0] and mChild. 
      // New node gets key curr.key[1] and children 
      // curr.child[1] and curr.child[2]. 
      // curr.key[0] is the middle key. 

      midKey = curr.key[0]; 
      newNode = new TwoThreeNode(curr.key[1], curr.parent, curr.child[1], curr.child[2]); 
      curr.child[1].parent = newNode; 
      curr.child[2].parent = newNode; 
      mChild.parent = curr; 
      curr.key[0] = m; 
      curr.child[1] = mChild; 
     else if (m.compareTo(curr.key[1]) < 0) 
      // Second child of curr was split to create curr. 
      // Order of keys: curr.key[0] < m < curr.key[1]. 
      // Order of children: 
      // curr.child[0] < curr.child[1] < mChild < curr.child[2]. 
      // Original node retains key curr.key[0] and children 
      // curr.child[0] and curr.child[1]. 
      // New node gets key curr.key[1] and children 
      // mChild and curr.child[2]. 
      // m is the middle key. 

      midKey = m; 
      newNode = new TwoThreeNode(curr.key[1], curr.parent, mChild, curr.child[2]); 
      mChild.parent = newNode; 
      curr.child[2].parent = newNode; 
      // Order of keys: curr.key[0] < curr.key[1] < m. 
      // Order of children: 
      // curr.child[0] < curr.child[1] < curr.child[2] < mChild. 
      // Original node retains key curr.key[0] and children 
      // curr.child[0] and curr.child[1]. 
      // New node gets key m and children 
      // curr.child[2] and mChild. 
      // curr.key[1] is the middle key. 

      midKey = curr.key[1]; 
      newNode = new TwoThreeNode(m, curr.parent, curr.child[2], mChild); 
      curr.child[2].parent = newNode; 
      mChild.parent = newNode; 
     curr.numKeys = 1; 
     curr.key[1] = null; 
     curr.child[2] = null; 
     if (curr != root) 
      addIndexValueAndChild(curr.parent, midKey, newNode); 
      root = new TwoThreeNode(midKey, null, curr, newNode); 
      curr.parent = root; 
      newNode.parent = root; 
} // end addIndexValueAndChild 

* printTable 
* Print an appropriate message if the tree is empty; 
* otherwise, call a recursive method to print the 
* data values in an inorder traversal. 
public void printTable() 

    if (root != null) 


     System.out.println("The tree is empty"); 

    /*************** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***********************/ 

} // end printTree 

} // end class TwoThreeTree 


public void insert(String newKey, ProductRecord p ) 
     TwoThreeNode curr; 
     TwoThreeNode nextCurr; 
     boolean found = false; 
     int i; 

     if (root == null) 
      // Empty tree: Add first node as the root (it has no parent) 

      root = new TwoThreeNode(newKey, p, null); 
      // Tree is not empty. 
      // Find the leaf that would contain newKey if newKey is already in the tree. 

      curr = findLeaf(newKey); 

      if (curr != null && !curr.key[0].equals(newKey)) 
       // The leaf at which the search ended does not contain searchKey. 
       // Insert! 

       addNewLeaf(newKey, p, curr); 
      else if (curr == null) 
       System.out.println("Not inserting " + newKey 
         + ": search failed with curr == null in non-empty tree"); 

     } // end else root != null 

    } // end insert 


Not inserting P24-Qbw-2495: search failed with curr == null in non-empty tree 
Not inserting P33-Qes-4782: search failed with curr == null in non-empty tree 
Not inserting P25-Taa-1244: search failed with curr == null in non-empty tree 
Not inserting P25-Tab-3509: search failed with curr == null in non-empty tree 
Not inserting P25-Tab-3506: search failed with curr == null in non-empty tree 
Not inserting P25-Tac-3672: search failed with curr == null in non-empty tree 



private TwoThreeNode findLeaf(String searchKey) 
    TwoThreeNode Lsearch = null; 
    //ProductRecord code = null; 

    if (root!=null) 
     while (!root.isLeaf()) 






private TwoThreeNode findLeaf(String searchKey) { 
    TwoThreeNode Lsearch = null; 

    if (root!=null) { 
    while (!root.isLeaf()) { 

    return Lsearch; 

據推測,來解決這個問題(或至少進一步的進展),你需要做的任務,如Lsearch = root.correctChild(searchKey)