2017-03-22 48 views

我已經在這裏搜索這個相同的問題被問及,發現很多答案,並沒有解決我的錯誤,通常只是創建更多:P 這裏是滿的錯誤警告:mysqli_error()期望只有1個參數,0給出

Warning: mysqli_error() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in F:\Jacob's Project rehash\register.php on line 54. 


<!DOCTYPE html> 


<title>Membership Confirmation</title> 
    <script type='text/javascript' src='gen_validatorv31.js'></script> 

<p>Thank for your membership support!</p> 



//assign connection details to PHP variables 

//connect to the database server and select Bryanbook database 
//check for successful connection 
if (mysqli_connect_error()) 
    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); 

//assign values submitted by HTML form to PHP variables 
$email = $_POST['email'];       
$firstname = $_POST['firstname'];       
$surname = $_POST['surname'];        
$addressline1 = $_POST['addressline1'];    
$password = $_POST['password'];      
$towncity = $_POST['towncity'];        
$postcode = $_POST['postcode'];        
$favouritecolour = $_POST['favouritecolour'];       
$likes = $_POST['likes'];       
$dislikes = $_POST['dislikes'];       

//create query to add member details to database 
$query = "INSERT INTO users (email,password,firstname,surname,`address 
line 1`,town/city,postcode,`fave colour`,likes,dislikes) VALUES ('$email','$password','$firstname','$surname','$addressline1','$towncity','$postcode','$favouritecolour','$likes','$dislikes')"; 
//execute SQL query to add details to the member table 
$data = mysqli_query($link, $query)or die(mysqli_error()); <------- Line 54 

//check that query has been successful 
    //display message to notify user that details have been added 
    echo "Your registration has been successful"; 

//close server connection 

//exit PHP 

<p><a href="Home Page.html">Click here to return to the Home Page</a></p> 


相當自我解釋,如果你確實讀取錯誤。閱讀[documentation](http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.error.php) – aynber


您需要在mysqli_connect_error函數中發送參數$ link。 if(mysqli_connect_error($ link)){.... –



變化$data = mysqli_query($link, $query)or die(mysqli_error()); <------- Line 54


$data = mysqli_query($link, $query)or die(mysqli_error($link)); <------- Line 54


現在我已經堅持了3個小時,你救了我。 –
