' Class: StringBuilder
' from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1070863/hidden-features-of-vba
Option Explicit
Private Const initialLength As Long = 32
Private totalLength As Long ' Length of the buffer
Private curLength As Long ' Length of the string value within the buffer
Private buffer As String ' The buffer
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' We set the buffer up to it's initial size and the string value ""
totalLength = initialLength
buffer = Space(totalLength)
curLength = 0
End Sub
Public Sub Append(Text As String)
Dim incLen As Long ' The length that the value will be increased by
Dim newLen As Long ' The length of the value after being appended
incLen = Len(Text)
newLen = curLength + incLen
' Will the new value fit in the remaining free space within the current buffer
If newLen <= totalLength Then
' Buffer has room so just insert the new value
Mid(buffer, curLength + 1, incLen) = Text
' Buffer does not have enough room so
' first calculate the new buffer size by doubling until its big enough
' then build the new buffer
While totalLength < newLen
totalLength = totalLength + totalLength
buffer = Left(buffer, curLength) & Text & Space(totalLength - newLen)
End If
curLength = newLen
End Sub
Public Property Get Length() As Integer
Length = curLength
End Property
Public Property Get Text() As String
Text = Left(buffer, curLength)
End Property
Public Sub Clear()
totalLength = initialLength
buffer = Space(totalLength)
curLength = 0
End Sub
Sub test()
Dim i As Long
Dim sb As StringBuilder
Dim sTxtSQL As String
Dim timeCount As Long
timeCount = Timer
Set sb = New StringBuilder
For i = 1 To 50000
sb.Append "This is row " & CStr(i) & vbCrLf
Next i
sTxtSQL = sb.Text
MsgBox Timer - timeCount
frmSQL.txtSQL.Value = sTxtSQL
End Sub
謝謝,這似乎很明顯。 –