2017-03-06 48 views

我有一個基於AngularJS的SPA,它可以通過websocket發送ping請求到服務器。我想從詳細的響應中解析來自服務器的ping響應。即我想知道ping是成功還是失敗,每次成功/失敗的計數(我只想在下面的迴應中以粗體顯示信息)。還有一件事,我想達到的是,如果發生故障,在發送失敗的情況下顯示一些紅燈,並顯示總髮送數量中失敗的ping數量,如果成功則顯示綠燈亮起,並顯示總髮送數量爲成功ping數量。 請看看pingController.js和pingController.html。 這是我的大塊頭。 Send ping command to serverAngularJS解析ping響應

<div ng-repeat="message in messages track by $index "> 


SmartCartApp.filter('parseResponse', function() { 
    // function to invoke by Angular each time 
    // Angular passes in the `items` which is our Array 
    return function (messages) { 
    // Create a new Array 
    var filtered = []; 
    // loop through existing Array 
    for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { 
     var message = messages[i]; 
     var res = message.match(/Success/g); //this filters messages which has Success string in it. Looks like I need to create a multiple of those to just get Success/Failure 
     if(res !==null) 

     return filtered; 

服務器發送地響應基於成功/失敗到我的SPA。 下面是答案的樣子。


NIC [;] 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 [,] 0,0,0,0,0,0 [,] 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, 0.001479,0.000000 [,] 0,0,0,0,0,0 [/] 03/06/2017 17:43:28.0251 [;] Ping [;] Status [;] Ping to www.google.com已解決地址: 發送總數:22總成功數:0總錯誤數:22超時總數:0最小RTT(ms):0最大RTT(ms):0平均RTT(ms):0.00 [ ] 03/06/2017 17:43:28.0251 [;] Ping [;] Ping結果[;] www.google.com [,] False [,] 10 [,] 1 [,] 3 [,] 0 [ ,] [,] TtlExpired [,] True [,] TtlExpired [/] 03/06/2017 17; 43:28.0813 [;] Ping [;] Running [;] FALSE [/] 03/06/2017 17:43:28.1874 [;] Traffic [;] Total Traffic [;] 0.002960 [,] ] 0.003569 [,] 0 [,] 2.057E + 09 [,] ALL [/]

成功: 03/06/2017 17:48:45.2265 [;] Traffic [;] 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 [,] 0,0,0,0,0,0 [,] 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000732,0.000000 [,] 0,0,0,0, 0,0 [/] 03/06/2017 17:48:45.3019 [;] Ping [;] Status [;] Ping to www.ibm.com:已解決地址: 發送總數:9成功:9總錯誤:0總超時:0最小RTT(ms):8最大RTT(ms):14平均RTT(ms):10.33 [/] 03/06/2017 17:48:45.3031 [ ] Ping [;] Ping結果[;] www.ibm.com [,]假[,] 10 [,] 1 [,] 3 [,] 9 [,] [,]成功[,]假[,]無[03/06]/2017 17:48:46.2251 [;]交通[;]總交通[;] 0.002205 [,] 0 [,] 0.005805 [,] 0 [,] 2.057E + 09 [,] ALL [/] 03/06/2017 17:48:46.2251 [;] Traffic [;]通過NIC [;]的流量0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.002205,0.000000 [,] 0,0,0,0,0,0 [,] 0.000000, 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.005805,0.000000,0.000000,0.005805,0.000000 [,] 0,0,0,0,0,0 [/] 03/06/2017 17:48:47.2304 [;]流量[;]總流量[;] 0.000867 [,] 0 [,] 0.002704 [,] 0 [,] 2.057E + 09 [,] ALL [/] 03/06/2017 17:48:47.2304 [;]交通[;]交通方式


我添加了上面原始帖子中顯示的過濾器,但它仍然不能提供我想要的結果。 – ari



我發現這可以通過多種方式完成。 1)最簡單的方法是在JavaScript中使用字符串的匹配屬性。我也瞭解到,這可以使用角度過濾器或工廠/服務來完成。

myApp.service('ParseMessageService', function() { 
    this.myFunc = function(message) { 

    var res = message.match(/Success/g); 

    if (res !== null) { 
     TSent = message.match(/Total Sent: (\d+)/); 
     if (TSent) { 
     sent = TSent[1]; 
     //console.log(TSent[1]); //replace with $scope and display on Gui 
     TSucc = message.match(/Total Success: (\d+)/); 
     if (TSucc) { 
     succ = TSucc[1]; 
     // console.log(TSucc[1]); //replace with $scope and display on Gui 
     TErr = message.match(/Total Errors: (\d+)/); 
     if (TErr) { 
     err = TErr[1]; 
     //console.log(TErr[1]); //replace with $scope and display on Gui 
