2010-08-06 77 views




真的簡單,無需上下文:與[email protected]

:%s/[email protected]\.com/[email protected]/g 

取代[email protected]隨着上下文

:%s:<created>\s*\n\s*\zs.\{-}\[email protected]\.com\s*\n\s*</created>:tom 


:%s:XXX:YYY - Substitute XXX with YYY over the whole file (using colons as delimiters to avoid having to escape slashes or @s with a backslash) 

where XXX is: 
<created> - literal text to search for 
\s*  - soak up any spaces or tabs to the end of the line 
\n  - a new line character 
\s*  - soak up any spaces or tabs at the start of the line 
\zs  - special code that says "the match starts here", so only the bit between this and the \ze are actually replaced 
.\{-}  - catch any characters, as few as possible - this will match 'pat' in the example above 
\ze  - end of the bit we're changing 
@c  - literal text - the @ and the start of the domain name 
\.  - '.' means any character, so to match a literal dot, you must escape it 
com  - literal text - the end of the email address 
\s*  - any spaces/tabs to the end of the line 
\n  - a new line character 
\s*  - any spaces/tabs 
</created> - literal match on the terminator (works because we don't use '/' as the delimiters) 

and YYY is just the literal string "tom" to insert 


:%s:<created>\_s*\zs\S\+\ze\_s*</created>:[email protected] 

:%s:XXX:YYY: - as before 

where XXX is: 

<created> - literal text to search for 
\_s*  - search for zero or more white-space characters, including new-lines (hence the underscore) 
\zs  - as before, this is the start of the bit we want to replace (so we're not changing the <created> bit) 
\S\+  - one or more non-whitespace characters (\+ is one or more, * is zero or more) - this should catch the whole email address 
\ze  - as before, the end of the match 
\_s*  - zero or more white-space characters 
</created> - the end delimiter 

YYY is then the whole email address. 


:help pattern.txt 



請注意,我用一個反斜槓前綴/作爲檢索開始是/。一個聰明的技巧是:s默認使用最後一次搜索,所以你可以輸入上面的行(/<created>\_s*\zs\S\+\ze\_s*<\/created>)並調整它直到它是正確的,然後只是做:%s::[email protected]並且由於上面標記爲XXX的位缺失,它將使用你最後的搜索,只是工作!


:help \zs 


:help \_s 


:help :s 



哇,我正在鍵入我的答案,但鋁在這裏搞定了。 +1。乾杯。 – sleepynate 2010-08-06 13:10:14


謝謝......誓言...... – Hulk 2010-08-07 04:37:48