2014-03-03 20 views




我一直沒能找到一個現成的解決方案,所以我寫了我自己。該解決方案基於BenVlodgi的建議,所以我感謝他幫助我。這是一個非常粗糙的實現,仍然需要大量的拋光和更好的代碼技術,但它的工作原理,並且它是任何人想要嘗試這個的好基礎。它非常簡單,並且與WPF一起工作得非常好。這個實現的唯一限制是我還沒有嘗試讓它在兩個屏幕上工作,但它非常簡單(我只是沒有時間去做,而且現在我不需要這個功能) 。所以,這裏的代碼,我希望它可以幫助別人那裏:

public partial class MainWindow : Window 
    // Get the working area of the screen. It excludes any dockings or toolbars, which 
    // is exactly what we want. 
    private System.Drawing.Rectangle screen = 

    // This will be the flag for the automatic positioning. 
    private bool dragging = false; 

    // The usual initialization routine 
    public MainWindow() 

    // Wait until window is lodaded, but prior to being rendered to set position. This 
    // is done because prior to being loaded you'll get NaN for this.Height and 0 for 
    // this.ActualHeight. 
    private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
     // Sets the initial position. 
     // Sets the monitoring timer loop. 

    // Allows the window to be dragged where the are no other controls present. 
    // PreviewMouseButton could be used, but then you have to do more work to ensure that if 
    // you're pressing down on a button, it executes its routine if dragging was not performed. 
    private void Window_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
     // Set the dragging flag to true, so that position would not be reset automatically. 
     if (e.ChangedButton == System.Windows.Input.MouseButton.Left) 
      dragging = true; 

    // Similar to MouseDown. We're setting dragging flag to false to allow automatic 
    // positioning. 
    private void Window_MouseUp(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
     if (e.ChangedButton == System.Windows.Input.MouseButton.Left) 
      dragging = false; 

    // Sets the initial position of the window. I made mine static for now, but later it can 
    // be modified to be whatever the user chooses in the settings. 
    private void SetInitialWindowPosition() 
     this.Left = screen.Width - this.Width; 
     this.Top = screen.Height/2 - this.Height/2; 

    // Setup the monitoring routine that automatically positions the window based on its location 
    // relative to the working area. 
    private void InitializeWindowPositionMonitoring() 
     var timer = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer(); 
     timer.Tick += delegate 
      // Check if window is being dragged (assuming that mouse down on any portion of the 
      // window is connected to dragging). This is a fairly safe assumption and held 
      // true thus far. Even if you're not performing any dragging, then the position 
      // doesn't change and nothing gets reset. You can add an extra check to see if 
      // position has changed, but there is no significant performance gain. 
      // Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is just O(n) execution, where n is the number of 
      // ticks the mouse has been held down on that window. 
      if (!dragging) 
       // Checking the left side of the window. 
       if (this.Left > screen.Width - this.Width) 
        this.Left = screen.Width - this.Width; 
       else if (this.Left < 0) 
        this.Left = 0; 

       // Checking the top of the window. 
       if (this.Top > screen.Height - this.Height) 
        this.Top = screen.Height - this.Height; 
       else if (this.Top < 0) 
        this.Top = 0; 

     // Adjust this based on performance and preference. I set mine to 10 milliseconds. 
     timer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 10); 





我用你的解決方案的一部分只是設置初始位置謝謝。不過,我改變了屏幕大小得到例程: private Rect screen = System.Windows.SystemParameters.WorkArea; 擺脫使用表格的需要 – sergeantKK


@sergeantKK感謝您的提示,我會試一試。如果它對你有幫助,不要忘記註冊。 :) –






你說得對,那是一個選項。這是我正在考慮的事情,但希望在那裏有一個捕捉API。真的很遺憾,像這樣的功能沒有暴露給我們。 –


看看我的答案。我開發了自己的解決方案。這很簡單,像魅力一樣工作。 –


雖然我用我的解決方案提供了額外的答案,但我相信您的建議讓我通過提供必要的屬性來研究該解決方案;因此,我認爲你的答案是正確的。 –




public partial class MainWindow : Window 
    // this is the offset of the mouse cursor from the top left corner of the window 
    private Point offset = new Point(); 

    public MainWindow() 

    private void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
     Point cursorPos = PointToScreen(Mouse.GetPosition(this)); 
     Point windowPos = new Point(this.Left, this.Top); 
     offset = (Point)(cursorPos - windowPos); 

     // capturing the mouse here will redirect all events to this window, even if 
     // the mouse cursor should leave the window area 
     Mouse.Capture(this, CaptureMode.Element); 

    private void OnMouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 

    private void OnMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
     if (Mouse.Captured == this && Mouse.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) 
      Point cursorPos = PointToScreen(Mouse.GetPosition(this)); 
      double newLeft = cursorPos.X - offset.X; 
      double newTop = cursorPos.Y - offset.Y; 

      // here you can change the window position and implement 
      // the snapping behaviour that you need 

      this.Left = newLeft; 
      this.Top = newTop; 


int snappingMargin = 25; 

if (Math.Abs(SystemParameters.WorkArea.Left - newLeft) < snappingMargin) 
    newLeft = SystemParameters.WorkArea.Left; 
else if (Math.Abs(newLeft + this.ActualWidth - SystemParameters.WorkArea.Left - SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width) < snappingMargin) 
    newLeft = SystemParameters.WorkArea.Left + SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width - this.ActualWidth; 

if (Math.Abs(SystemParameters.WorkArea.Top - newTop) < snappingMargin) 
    newTop = SystemParameters.WorkArea.Top; 
else if (Math.Abs(newTop + this.ActualHeight - SystemParameters.WorkArea.Top - SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height) < snappingMargin) 
    newTop = SystemParameters.WorkArea.Top + SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height - this.ActualHeight; 



非常感謝 - 爲我節省了一堆工作。 – 2017-03-28 21:01:00
