2016-01-22 151 views


eclipse -noSplash -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -r <url> -i <comma separated list of ids that need to be installed> 



  1. 它的工作原理是通過用戶界面更改配置,自動配置隨後創建配置目錄的ZIP和其他計算機上
  2. 運行[email protected] ~ $ eclipse -noSplash -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director導致部署:


-help | -h | -? 
    Prints this command line help information. 
-list | -l [ <comma separated list> ] 
    Lists all IU's found in the given repositories. IUs can optionally be listed. Each entry in the list is in the form <id> [ '/' <version> ]. 
-listInstalledRoots | -lir 
    Lists all root IU's found in the given profile. Each entry in the list is in the form <id> [ '/' <version> ]. 
-listFormat | -lf <list format string> 
    Formats the list of IUs according to the given string. Use ${property} for variable parts, e.g. ${org.eclipse.equinox.p2.name} for the IU's name. ID and version of an IU are available through ${id} and ${version}. 
-installIU | -installIUs | -i <comma separated list> 
    Installs the listed IU's. Each entry in the list is in the form <id> [ '/' <version> ]. 
-uninstallIU | -uninstallIUs | -u <comma separated list> 
    Uninstalls the listed IU's. Each entry in the list is in the form <id> [ '/' <version> ]. 
-revert <comma separated list> 
    Revert the installation to a previous state [ the number representing the previous state of the profile as found in p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/<profileId>/ ]. 
-destination | -d <path> 
    The folder in which the targeted product is located. 
    Only download the artifacts. 
-metadatarepository | metadatarepositories | -m <comma separated list> 
    A list of URL's denoting meta-data repositories. 
-artifactrepository | artifactrepositories | -a <comma separated list> 
    A list of URL's denoting artifact repositories. 
-repository | repositories | -r <comma separated list> 
    A list of URL's denoting co-located meta-data and artifact repositories. 
    Only verify that the actions can be performed. Don't actually install or remove anything. 
-tag <name> 
    Tag the provisioning operation for easy referencing when reverting. 
    List the tags available 
-profile | -p <name> 
    Defines what profile to use for the actions. 
-flavor | -f <name> 
    Defines what flavor to use for a newly created profile. 
-shared | -s [ <path> ] 
    Use a shared location for the install. The <path> defaults to ${user.home}/.p2 
-bundlepool | -b <path> 
    The location where the plug-ins and features will be stored. Effective only when a new profile is created. 
-profileproperties <comma separated list> 
    A list of properties in the form key=value pairs. Effective only when a new profile is created. 
-iuProfileproperties <path> 
    Path to a properties file containing a list of IU profile properties to set. 
    Indicates that the product resulting from the installation can be moved. Effective only when a new profile is created. 
    The OS to use when the profile is created. 
    The windowing system to use when the profile is created. 
    The architecture to use when the profile is created. 
    The language to use when the profile is created. 
    Remove the history of the profile registry. 
    Follow repository references. 




我不認爲這是普遍支持的,特別是考慮到每個插件管理自己的一組推理。 但是,Oomph項目可能會有所幫助,具體取決於您的實際目標(您沒有說明您的最終目標是什麼)。它旨在作爲Eclipse的通用配置管理工具。 有關更多信息,請參閱this answer


我在問題中定義了以下內容:'可以通過UI配置Eclipse,例如啓用行號。如何通過命令行更改配置?'我將檢查Oomph項目。 – 030


我正在閱讀這個https://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_Oomph_Authoring和這個https://www.eclipse.org/community/eclipse_newsletter/2014/may/article3.php。如果你可以添加一個例子'如何使用oomph啓用行號,這將是非常有幫助的 – 030


關於Oomph的高度具體的問題應該可以在Oomph論壇上被問到,開發者在這個論壇上閒逛。 –