2012-10-14 57 views

我使用php從MCC,MNC,LAC和單元ID中獲取經度和緯度。當我在我的計算機上的Wampserver上運行我的代碼時,我獲得了正確的經度和緯度,並將其繪製在谷歌地圖上。但是當我將它部署在我的Web服務器上時,我獲得了不同的價值。使用LAC和Cell ID獲取座標時的緯度誤差

當我輸入MCC時,正確的經度和緯度:505;跨國公司:1; LAC:30817; CELL ID:2922是(-31.844589,115.80378)。但是我得到(4263.122707,115.803781)而不是我的服務器。


       if (isset($_POST["lac"]) && isset($_POST["cid"]) && isset($_POST["mnc"]) && isset($_POST["mcc"])) { 
       $lac = $_POST["lac"]; 
        $cid = $_POST["cid"]; 
        $mcc = $_POST["mcc"]; 
        $mnc = $_POST["mnc"]; 
         $data = 

        $is_umts_cell = ($cid > 65535); 
        if ($is_umts_cell) // GSM: 4 hex digits, UTMS: 6 hex digits 
         $data[0x1c] = 5; 
         $data[0x1c] = 3; 

        $hexmcc = substr("00000000".dechex($_POST["mcc"]),-8); 
        $hexmnc = substr("00000000".dechex($_POST["mnc"]),-8); 
        $hexlac = substr("00000000".dechex($_POST["lac"]),-8); 
        $hexcid = substr("00000000".dechex($_POST["cid"]),-8); 

        //echo "<p>MCC=$hexmcc MNC=$hexmnc LAC=$hexlac CID=$hexcid"; 

        $data[0x11] = pack("H*",substr($hexmnc,0,2)); 
        $data[0x12] = pack("H*",substr($hexmnc,2,2)); 
        $data[0x13] = pack("H*",substr($hexmnc,4,2)); 
        $data[0x14] = pack("H*",substr($hexmnc,6,2)); 

        $data[0x15] = pack("H*",substr($hexmcc,0,2)); 
        $data[0x16] = pack("H*",substr($hexmcc,2,2)); 
        $data[0x17] = pack("H*",substr($hexmcc,4,2)); 
        $data[0x18] = pack("H*",substr($hexmcc,6,2)); 

        $data[0x27] = pack("H*",substr($hexmnc,0,2)); 
        $data[0x28] = pack("H*",substr($hexmnc,2,2)); 
        $data[0x29] = pack("H*",substr($hexmnc,4,2)); 
        $data[0x2a] = pack("H*",substr($hexmnc,6,2)); 

        $data[0x2b] = pack("H*",substr($hexmcc,0,2)); 
        $data[0x2c] = pack("H*",substr($hexmcc,2,2)); 
        $data[0x2d] = pack("H*",substr($hexmcc,4,2)); 
        $data[0x2e] = pack("H*",substr($hexmcc,6,2)); 

        $data[0x1f] = pack("H*",substr($hexcid,0,2)); 
        $data[0x20] = pack("H*",substr($hexcid,2,2)); 
        $data[0x21] = pack("H*",substr($hexcid,4,2)); 
        $data[0x22] = pack("H*",substr($hexcid,6,2)); 

        $data[0x23] = pack("H*",substr($hexlac,0,2)); 
        $data[0x24] = pack("H*",substr($hexlac,2,2)); 
        $data[0x25] = pack("H*",substr($hexlac,4,2)); 
        $data[0x26] = pack("H*",substr($hexlac,6,2)); 

        /* I used file_get_contents() at my laptop webserver, but it seems like the PHP version 
        * at my hosting company is old and it is not supporting that. 
        * For the hosting company, here we're using cURL. 
        $use_curl = true; 
        if ($use_curl) { 
         $ch = curl_init(); 
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://www.google.com/glm/mmap"); 
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); 
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); 
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, 1); 
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, Array("Content-type: application/binary")); 
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); 
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); 
         $response = curl_exec($ch); 
         if (curl_errno($ch)) 
          exit("Error: Failed to post data $str curl_errno($ch)"); 

         $header_size = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); 
         $str = substr($response, $header_size); 

        } else { 
         $context = array (
          'http' => array (
           'method' => 'POST', 
           'header'=> "Content-type: application/binary\r\n" 
              . "Content-Length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n", 
              'content' => $data 
         $xcontext = stream_context_create($context); 
         $str=file_get_contents("http://www.google.com/glm/mmap", FALSE, $xcontext); 

        $opcode1 = ((ord($str[0]) << 8)) | ord($str[1]); 
        $opcode2 = ord($str[2]); 

        if (($opcode1 != 0x0e) || ($opcode2 != 0x1b)) 
         exit("<p>Error: Invalid opcode $opcode1 $opcode2. Maybe the LAC/CID is invalid"); 

        $retcode = ((ord($str[3]) << 24) | (ord($str[4]) << 16) | (ord($str[5]) << 8) | (ord($str[6]))); 
        if ($retcode != 0) 
         exit("<p>Error: Invalid return code $retcode. Maybe the LAC/CID is invalid"); 

        $lon = ((ord($str[11]) << 24) | (ord($str[12]) << 16) | (ord($str[13]) << 8) | (ord($str[14])))/1000000; 
        $lat = ((ord($str[7]) << 24) | (ord($str[8]) << 16) | (ord($str[9]) << 8) | (ord($str[10])))/1000000; 

        // exit script if cannot geocode cell e.g. not on google's database 
        if ($lat == 0 and $lon == 0) 
         exit('ERROR: cannot determine cell tower location from cell LAC: ' . $_POST["lac"] . ', ' . 'CID: ' . $_POST["cid"]); 

        $addr = ''.$lat . ',' . $lon; 
        $t = urlencode(" (MCC=$mcc MNC=$mnc LAC=$lac CID=$cid)"); 
        //echo "<p><a href='http://maps.google.com/maps?q=$addr$t' target='_top'>Lat=$lat Lon=$lon</a>"; 

      <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>"> 

         <div >MCC 
          <input type="text" size="5" name="mcc" value="<?php if(isset($mcc)) echo $mcc; else echo ""?>"> 
          <input type="text" size="5" name="mnc" value="<?php if(isset($mnc)) echo $mnc; else echo ""?>"> 
          <input type="text" size="5" name="lac" value="<?php if(isset($lac)) echo $lac; else echo ""?>"> 
          <input type="text" size="5" name="cid" value="<?php if(isset($cid)) echo $cid; else echo ""?>"> 

         <input type="Submit" value="Check it"></div> 


       width="600" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" 
       src="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=<?php if(isset($addr)) echo $addr; else echo ''?>&ie=UTF8&ll=<?php if(isset($addr)) echo $addr; else echo ''?>&sll=<?php if(isset($addr)) echo $addr; else echo ''?>&z=11&output=embed"></iframe> 



請參閱回答嗎? – kouton

