例如: 如果aDictionary = {1: 1, 3: 2, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 4, 10: 0}
那麼你的函數應該返回[1, 3, 8]
def existsOnce(aDict):
counting = {}
tempList = []
for k in aDict.keys():
print k,
print aDict[k]
print 'values are:'
for v in aDict.values():
print v,
counting[v] = counting.get(v,0)+1
print counting[v]
tempNumbers = counting[v]
print tempList
def existsOnce2(aDict):
# import Counter module in the top with `from collections import Counter`
c = Counter()
for letter in 'here is a sample of english text':
c[letter] += 1
if c[letter] == 1:
print c[letter],':',letter
def existsOnce3(aDict):
vals = {}
for i in aDict.values():
for j in set(str(i)):
vals[j] = 1+ vals.get(j,0)
print vals
'''till here I get a counter of how many times a value appears in the original dictionary, now I should delete those bigger than 1'''
temp_vals = vals.copy()
for x in vals:
if vals[x] > 1:
print 'delete this: ', 'key:',x,'value:', vals[x]
print 'temporary dictionary values:', temp_vals
'''till here I reduced down the values that appear once, 1, 2 and 4, now I would need the go back and check the original dictionary and return the keys
Original dictionary: {1: 1, 3: 2, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 4, 10: 0}
temp_vals {'1': 1, '2': 1, '4': 1}
keys on temp_vals (1,2,4) are the values associated to the keys I got to retrieve from original dictionary (1,3,8)
print '---'
temp_list = []
for eachTempVal in temp_vals:
print 'temporary list values:', temp_list
''' till here I got a temporary list with the values I need to search in aDict'''
print '---'
for eachListVal in temp_list:
print 'eachListVal:', eachListVal
for k,v in aDict.iteritems():
print 'key:',k,'value:',v
if v == eachListVal:
do something
如果值是不可變的創建通過在第一,其中在所述第二字典的值的計數的值鍵控第二字典它們出現在第一個字典中的次數。從那裏一行代碼返回你想要的列表。它應該全部適合最多6行代碼。 –