因此,我遇到了主線27上的段錯誤,並且在我的子程序調用後,我的%rax保持在值0,當它不應該是。程序集x86 - 字符串段錯誤次數/計數子程序沒有保存返回值的頻率
我想弄清楚我的子程序沒有正確地做什麼 - 我假設它與我的字節比較,因爲我還不太熟悉它們。
我在printf調用中也得到了主程序第27行的段錯誤。我在這裏假設printf函數是預定義的 - 儘管我想我可能也需要在這裏創建一個printf子程序。
.globl FREQ
#subprogram body
cmpb $0,0(%rsi) #check for end of the string
je donefreq
cmp %rcx, 0(%rsi) #compare first string char with vowel
je increment_string #if equal - jump to increment_string
add $1, %rsi #if not - increment string
jmp FREQ #jump to loop to check for end of string status/next char
add $1, %rsi #increment to next string character
add $1, %rax #add 1 to frequency of character
jmp loopfreq
string: .string "This course is about encoding numbers and instructions into binary sequences and designing digital systems to process them."
endofstring: .space 8
msg: .string "%c occurs %d times \n"
.global main
sub $8,%rsp #stack alignment
mov $string,%rsi #rsi = string storage
mov $0x61, %r8 #storage of a
mov $0x65, %r9 #storage of e
mov $0x69, %r10 #storage of i
mov $0x6F, %r11 #storage of o
mov $0x75, %r12 #storage of u
#Case A
mov %r8,%rcx
mov $0, %rax #initialize count to 0
call FREQ #Generate %rax value for count
mov %rax, %rdx #2nd argument for print function - number of
mov $msg, %rdi #1st argument for print function - format for print function
mov %r8, %rsp #3rd argument for print function - char
call printf #print the frequency value of the ch in string
#Case E
mov %r9,%rcx
mov $0, %rax #initialize count to 0
call FREQ
mov $msg, %rdi #1st argument for print function - format for print function
mov %r9, %rsp #3rd argument for print function - char
mov %rax, %rdx #2nd argument for print function - number of
call printf #print the frequency value of the ch in string
#Case O
mov %r10,%rcx
mov $0, %rax #initialize count to 0
call FREQ
mov $msg, %rdi #1st argument for print function - format for print function
mov %r10, %rsp #3rd argument for print function - char
mov %rax, %rdx #2nd argument for print function - number of
call printf #print the frequency value of the ch in string
#Case I
mov %r11,%rcx
mov $0, %rax #initialize count to 0
call FREQ
mov $msg, %rdi #1st argument for print function - format for print function
mov %r11, %rsp #3rd argument for print function - char
mov %rax, %rdx #2nd argument for print function - number of
call printf #print the frequency value of the ch in string
#Case U
mov %r12,%rcx
mov $0, %rax #initialize count to 0
call FREQ
mov $msg, %rdi #1st argument for print function - format for print function
mov %r12, %rsp #3rd argument for print function - char
mov %rax, %rdx #2nd argument for print function - number of
call printf #print the frequency value of the ch in string
jmp done
add $8, %rsp #reset stack alignment
則計算在句子中的每個元音的數量 - 輸出在打印聲明字符數。
'mov%r9,%rsp'是錯誤的推測。你想要'mov%r9,%rsi'在那裏和所有其他地方。你也有其他的錯誤,但這是你問的:) – Jester
這絕對是一個錯字:(哦,天哪。謝謝。希望其他錯誤將很容易修復! –
@Jester嘿小丑,你會碰巧知道我如何使用GDB檢查子程序中的值?我使用'gcc -g -o runtest main.s count.s'進行編譯,然後使用'gdb runtest'在調用線路之前和之後的線路中斷,但是當我得到到'call count'這行就跳過它,結果表明子程序中斷只是'break count.s:1'。謝謝! –