2010-01-11 97 views


public partial class Usergroup { } 

public class UsergroupMetaData 
    public object CustomerID { get; set; } 

    [Required(ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources), ErrorMessageResourceName = "UsergroupNameRequired")] 
    public object UsergroupName { get; set; } 

    // what to put here? 

public class UniqueUsergroupName : ValidationAttribute 
    UsergroupRepository _rep = new UsergroupRepository(); 

    public override bool IsValid(object value, int customerID) 
     var x = _rep.GetUsergroups().ByUsergroupName(value).ByCustomerID(customerID); 

     // what to put here? 

     return false; 

如果「count> 0」,IsValid應返回false。

我該如何解決這個問題,以便它能正常工作。 GetUsergroups()返回IQueryable。


public partial class Usergroup { } 

public class UsergroupMetaData 
    public object CustomerID { get; set; } 

    [Required(ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources), ErrorMessageResourceName = "UsergroupNameRequired")] 
    [UniqueUsergroupName(ErrorMessageResourceType= typeof(Resources), ErrorMessageResourceName = "UsergroupNameExists")] 
    public object UsergroupName { get; set; } 


public class UniqueUsergroupName : ValidationAttribute 

    UsergroupRepository _rep = new UsergroupRepository(); 

    public override bool IsValid(object value, int customerID) 

     int usergroups = _rep.GetUsergroups().ByCustomerID(customerID).ByUsergroupName(value.ToString()).Count(); 

     return usergroups >0; 





爲了在你的搜索ID屬性,讓你檢查所有的「其他」 UsergroupMetaData 具有相同UsergroupName。





public class UsergroupMetaData 

沒有參數。我們來看看UniqueUsergroupName Validate()方法的外觀如何:

public override Boolean IsValid(Object value) 
    var usergroupName = value != null ? value.ToString() : null; 
    //We don't validate empty fields, the Required validator does that 
    if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(usergroupName)) return true; 

    Type objectType = value.GetType(); 
    //Get the property info for the object passed in. This is the class the attribute is 
    // attached to 
    //I would suggest caching this part... at least the PropertyInfo[] 
    PropertyInfo[] neededProperties = 

    var customerIdProperty = neededProperties 
    .Where(propertyInfo => propertyInfo.Name == "CustomerID") 
    var customerId = (int?) customerIdProperty.GetValue(value, null); 

    var usergroupNameProperty = neededProperties 
    .Where(propertyInfo => propertyInfo.Name == "UsergroupName") 
    var usergroupName = (string) customerIdProperty.GetValue(value, null); 

    // Now I don't userstand why the blog post author did all this reflection stuff to 
    // get the values of the properties. I don't know why he just didn't d something like: 
    // var usergroup = (Usergroup) value; 
    // var customerId = usergroup.CustomerId; 
    // var usergroupName = usergroup.UsergroupName; 
    //I think reflection was not needed here. Try both ways anyway. 
    // The next lines should not be different regardless of whether you used reflection. 

    //We don't validate empty fields, the Required validator does that 
    if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(usergroupName)) return true; 

    //Now you have the customerId and usergroupName. Use them to validate. 
    //If I'm using LINQ (for explanation only) it'd be something like: 
    // Assuming _rep.GetUsergroups() returns IQueryable (only for explanation): 
    int numberOfOtherUsergroupsWithSameName = 
       .Where(g => g.UsergroupName == usergroupName && g.CustomerId != customerId) 
    return numberOfOtherUsergroupsWithSameName == 0; 

我沒有看到我應該如何在我的場景中應用它。因爲它使用數據庫和所有。特別是如果客戶ID是可空的而不是必需的。 – 2010-01-11 12:22:19


我添加了一些寫在飛行代碼來解釋我的想法可能會在你的情況下使用。檢查出來,告訴我,如果這對你有用。正如我在帖子中看到的那樣,主要的做法是使整個類的驗證屬性不僅僅是一個特定的屬性。告訴我它是怎麼回事。 – Meligy 2010-01-12 01:09:48
