我有,當我試圖用模擬器中運行我的應用程序,其2小時的問題,並沒有啓動到現在爲止 和印Android Studio中運行的應用程序是爲時已晚
emulator: device fd:892
HAXM is not working and emulator runs in emulation mode
emulator: The memory needed by this AVD exceeds the max specified in your HAXM configuration.
emulator: AVD RAM size = 1536 MB
emulator: HAXM max RAM size = 512 MB
emulator: You might want to adjust your AVD RAM size and/or HAXM configuration to run in fast virt mode.
creating window 43 59 329 583
emulator: emulator window was out of view and was recentered
emulator: UpdateCheck: current version '24.4.0', last version '24.4.0'
如何在Android Studio中使用GenyMotion! – elkilany