2016-11-10 33 views


要解決Outlook問題,我只是將<div>標籤更改爲<td>的。現在,我在iOS郵件應用程序(10.1.1)中遇到了問題,其中<td>拒絕在較小的屏幕上全角顯示。在下面的代碼中,您可以看到<td class="col-6-article">元素的固定寬度爲300px,但是當我在iOS郵件應用程序中打開電子郵件時,那麼這兩個元素的屏幕寬度恰好爲50%。這裏有一個屏幕截圖:http://imgur.com/a/0XsGz



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       <img class="center fullwidth" style="display: block; width: 100%!important; max-width: 325px;" src="http://billykroger.com/img/1mLusPPr.jpg" width="325" /> 
       <h3>Pledges to Ipsum fall short</h3> 
       <p>Abby Bruell | Jun 2015</p> 
       <p>Despite good intentions, donors to the London conference have failed to follow through will the pledges they made to aid Syrian refugees. Now, millions of women and children face the consequences of their inaction.</p> 
        <td style="text-align: center; height: 33px; width: 160px; background: #007c76;"> 
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          <span style="color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 14px">READ MORE</span> 
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       <img class="center fullwidth" style="display: block; width: 100%!important; max-width: 325px;" src="http://billykroger.com/img/1mLusPPr.jpg" width="325" /> 
       <h3>Pledges to Ipsum fall short</h3> 
       <p>Abby Bruell | Jun 2015</p> 
       <p>Despite good intentions, donors to the London conference have failed to follow through will the pledges they made to aid Syrian refugees. Now, millions of women and children face the consequences of their inaction.</p> 
        <td style="text-align: center; height: 33px; width: 160px; background: #007c76;"> 
        <table style="margin: 0 auto;"> 
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         <td><a style="padding: 0; color: #ffffff" href="#"> 
          <span style="color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 14px">READ MORE</span> 
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我試過了你的建議,現在這些列在iOS郵件應用中是70%/ 30%的寬度。這是一個截圖:http://imgur.com/a/iO9oZ –
