我正在嘗試使用API構建本地天氣應用程序。 基本上我的代碼要求緯度和經度谷歌,然後把它給另一方搞清楚什麼是城市,讓它做出最終的天氣要求。API的問題
對不起很麻煩,但我不太瞭解API,也不知道如何使用html處理javascript。如果你知道一個可以幫助我的來源,我會對它進行補充。 謝謝。
這裏是代碼,如果你想從項目中看到它。 http://codepen.io/Lbg232/pen/YpVgyJ?editors=1011
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
//I don't really know what is this for.
var options = {
enableHighAccuracy: true,
timeout: 5000,
maximumAge: 0
function success(pos) {
var crd = pos.coords;
console.log('Latitude : ' + crd.latitude); //It does print it (it works)
console.log('Longitude: ' + crd.longitude);
//This is the link ready to ask for the JSON
var finUrl = "http://api.wunderground.com/api/b2383764d2fa3c12/geolookup/q/" + crd.latitude + "," + crd.longitude + ".json";
console.log(finUrl); //it prints the link
function error(err) {
console.warn('ERROR(' + err.code + '): ' + err.message);
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error, options);
//The request for the weather in a spacific city.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
//I wanted to put the specific city and country.
url : "http://api.wunderground.com/api/b2383764d2fa3c12/geolookup/conditions/q/CL/Santiago.json",
dataType : "jsonp",
success : function(parsed_json) {
var location = parsed_json['location']['city'];
var temp_f = parsed_json['current_observation']['temp_c'];
alert("Current temperature in " + location + " is: " + temp_f);
因此,網頁將發送的API,並將其存儲在「結果」就這樣? – lbg232