import akka.actor._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import akka.pattern._
import concurrent.duration._
import akka.util.Timeout
class ItemProviderRouter extends Actor{
import ItemProvider._
def receive = {
case get @ GetItems(project) =>
//Lookup the child for the supplied project. If one does not
//exist, create it
val child = context.child(project).getOrElse(newChild(project))
def newChild(project:String) = {
println(s"creating a new child ItemProvider for project $project")
context.actorOf(Props[ItemProvider], project)
object ItemProvider{
case class GetItems(project:String)
case class Item(foo:String)
case class LoadedItems(items:List[Item])
case object ClearCachedItems
case class ItemResults(items:List[Item])
class ItemProvider extends Actor with Stash{
import ItemProvider._
//Scheduled job to drop the cached items and force a reload on subsequent request
import context.dispatcher
context.system.scheduler.schedule(5 minutes, 5 minutes, self, ClearCachedItems)
def receive = noCachedItems
def noCachedItems:Receive = {
case GetItems(project) =>
case ClearCachedItems =>
def loadingItems:Receive = {
case get:GetItems => stash
case LoadedItems(items) =>
println(s"Actor ${self.path.name} got items to cache, changing state to cachedItems")
case ClearCachedItems => //Noop
def cachedItems(items:List[Item]):Receive = {
case GetItems(project) =>
sender ! ItemResults(items)
case ClearCachedItems =>
println("Clearing out cached items")
case other =>
println(s"Received unexpected request $other when in state cachedItems")
def fetchItems(project:String){
println(s"Actor ${self.path.name} is fetching items to cache")
//Simulating doing something that results in a Future
//representing the items to cache
val fut = Future{
List(Item(s"hello $project"), Item(s"world $project"))
object ItemProviderTest extends App{
import ItemProvider._
val system = ActorSystem("test")
import system.dispatcher
val provider = system.actorOf(Props[ItemProviderRouter])
implicit val timeout = Timeout(10 seconds)
for(i <- 1 until 20){
val afut = provider ? GetItems("a")
val bfut = provider ? GetItems("b")
afut onSuccess{
case ItemResults(items) => println(s"got items list of $items for project a")
bfut onSuccess{
case ItemResults(items) => println(s"got items list of $items for project b")
我看起來好像可以爲他們服務,因爲您使用的是'Future',但是如果您在很短的時間內獲得相同的請求,那麼這可能是多餘的工作。你需要一種方式來告訴後續的請求你已經有了一個響應。所以,是的,你可能需要一個從請求到未來的Map,當有新的請求時,請檢查Map,如果它有一個Future,那麼你可以發送Future,也迴應這位客戶。 – 2014-10-31 09:19:57
我不認爲你可以使用'成爲'。當你有一臺狀態機時,你需要'成爲',並且你有多個狀態機。每個單獨的請求都有一個狀態機,有兩個狀態:獲取和獲取。 – 2014-10-31 09:20:50
我完全是akka的初學者。但我不明白爲什麼我不能將客戶列入待處理名單。項目準備就緒後,Itemprovider可以發送所有等待的客戶端結果。這在我看來是一個不錯的選擇 – jack 2014-10-31 09:41:08