2016-07-19 85 views


import numpy as np 
fi = open(infil,"r") 
fo = open(outfil,"w") 
lines = fi.readlines() 
x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 = np.loadtxt(infil, skiprows=3, unpack=True) 
# Some computations with those columns of numbers occurs here. 
data = np.array([x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7] 
data = data.T 
np.savetxt(outfil, data, fmt='%f') 

以上幾乎都有效。這只是 第一行數據的前半部分丟失。




你還應該包括infile.txt'的'一個片段,使我們可以看到的數據是什麼樣子。 – jme


好點。我介紹下面的示例行。我用\ n來表示輸入文件中的新行。 //線的數目: // v 1215 \ N:512.0 \ n X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X4 6 X 7 \ n 73156.727567363 \t \t 23982.109 0.000000000 \t \t 0.0 -0.0009 \t \t 31.353455648 128.485 \ n 73188.081023010 \t 23863.683 \t \t 0.000000000 0.0 \t \t -0.0006 31.303370255 \t 128.225 \ n 73219.334307873 \t \t 23745.635 0.000000000 \t \t 0.0 -0.0008 \t 31.303370255 \t 128.170 \ n 73250.687763521 \t 23627.209 \t 0.000000000 \t 0.0 \t -0.0006 \t 31.303370255 \t 128.115 \ n –



我想添加一個也許更完美的解決方案: np.savetxt接受被寫入之前的數據文件頭字符串。有了這個,你真的不需要那麼臨時文件:

np.savetxt(filename, data, header="my header\nand a second line")


謝謝!是的,這確實有道理,savetxt會有這種選擇。一個更優雅的解決方案正在等待着...... –


好吧,我終於嘗試瞭解你所建議的解決方案。它會創建一個標題,其中每行以「#」開頭,​​並且還有一個額外的空白行(前面加上「#」)。我不想要這些。所以我的三行標題需要寫出如下:np.savetxt(outfil,data,fmt ='%f \ t',header = h1 + h2 + h3.rstrip('\ n'),comments = '')寫出我想要的標題,緊接着是數據行。再次感謝你的幫助。 –


好的,我沒有意識到你不想標題被標記。如果它適合你,你可能想考慮將我的答案標爲已接受的答案 – Dux



import numpy as np    # Load useful routines for arrays. 

infil="infile.txt"    # Input file name. 
tfil ="tmp.txt"     # Temporary file name. 
outfil="outfile.txt"   # Output file name. 

fi = open(infil,"r")   # Open input file. 
ft = open(tfil,"w")    # Open temporary file for writing into. 
fo = open(outfil,"w")   # Open output file. 

lines = fi.readlines()   # Read in the input file. 

fi.close()      # Close input file. 

x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 = np.loadtxt(infil, skiprows=3, unpack=True) 
          # Read in and unpack the numerical arrays from the input file. 

# Computation with those numerical arrays will occur here when I'm ready.        

data = np.array([x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7]) 
          # Pack the data arrays together. 

data = data.T     # Transpose the data into columns. 

np.savetxt(tfil, data, fmt='%f\t')  # Write to temporary file. 

ft.close()      # Close temporary file. 

ft = open(tfil,"r")    # Now open temporary file to read in the formatted data lines. 

dlines = ft.readlines()   # Read in the temporary file. 

fo.writelines(lines[0:3])  # Write the header to the output file. 

fo.writelines(dlines)   # Write the formatted data lines to the output file. 

fo.close()      # Close output file.