2013-01-11 168 views

每次我使用幫助(),然後調用'模塊'我得到了回溯。我雖然我的安裝被破壞,所以我重新下載並從activestate(python 32)安裝。有什麼建議麼?它仍然在做同樣的事情。Python錯誤 - 安裝損壞?

ActivePython (ActiveState Software Inc.) based on 
Python 3.2.2 (default, Sep 8 2011, 10:56:38) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. 
>>> help() 

Welcome to Python 3.2! This is the online help utility. 

If this is your first time using Python, you should definitely check out 
the tutorial on the Internet at http://docs.python.org/tutorial/. 

Enter the name of any module, keyword, or topic to get help on writing 
Python programs and using Python modules. To quit this help utility and 
return to the interpreter, just type "quit". 

To get a list of available modules, keywords, or topics, type "modules", 
"keywords", or "topics". Each module also comes with a one-line summary 
of what it does; to list the modules whose summaries contain a given word 
such as "spam", type "modules spam". 

help> modules 

Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules... 

AutoComplete  abc     logging    symtable 
AutoCompleteWindow aboutDialog   macosxSupport  sys 
AutoExpand   activestate   macpath    sysconfig 
Bindings   adodbapi   macurl2path   tabbedpages 
CallTipWindow  afxres    mailbox    tabnanny 
CallTips   aifc    mailcap    tarfile 
ClassBrowser  antigravity   marshal    telnetlib 
CodeContext   argparse   math    tempfile 
ColorDelegator  array    mimetypes   test 
Debugger   ast     mmap    testcode 
Delegator   asynchat   mmapfile   textView 
EditorWindow  asyncore   mmsystem   textwrap 
FileList   atexit    modulefinder  this 
FormatParagraph  audioop    msilib    threading 
GrepDialog   base64    msvcrt    time 
HyperParser   bdb     multiprocessing  timeit 
IOBinding   binascii   netbios    timer 
IdleHistory   binhex    netrc    tkinter 
MultiCall   bisect    nntplib    token 
MultiStatusBar  builtins   nt     tokenize 
ObjectBrowser  bz2     ntpath    trace 
OutputWindow  cProfile   ntsecuritycon  traceback 
ParenMatch   calendar   nturl2path   tty 
PathBrowser   cgi     numbers    turtle 
Percolator   cgitb    odbc    turtledemo 
PyParse    chunk    opcode    types 
PyShell    cmath    operator   unicodedata 
RemoteDebugger  cmd     optparse   unittest 
RemoteObjectBrowser code    os     urllib 
ReplaceDialog  codecs    os2emxpath   uu 
RstripExtension  codeop    parser    uuid 
ScriptBinding  collections   pdb     virtualenv 
ScrolledList  colorsys   perfmon    warnings 
SearchDialog  commctrl   pickle    wave 
SearchDialogBase compileall   pickletools   weakref 
SearchEngine  concurrent   pip     webbrowser 
StackViewer   configDialog  pipes    win2kras 
ToolTip    configHandler  pkg_resources  win32api 
TreeWidget   configHelpSourceEdit pkgutil    win32clipboard 
UndoDelegator  configSectionNameDialog platform   win32com 
WidgetRedirector configparser  plistlib   win32con 
WindowList   contextlib   poplib    win32console 
ZoomHeight   copy    posixpath   win32cred 
__future__   copyreg    pprint    win32crypt 
_abcoll    csv     profile    win32cryptcon 
_ast    ctypes    pstats    win32event 
_bisect    curses    pty     win32evtlog 
_codecs    datetime   py_compile   win32evtlogutil 
_codecs_cn   dbi     pyclbr    win32file 
_codecs_hk   dbm     pydoc    win32gui 
_codecs_iso2022  dde     pydoc_data   win32gui_struct 
_codecs_jp   decimal    pyexpat    win32help 
_codecs_kr   difflib    pypm    win32inet 
_codecs_tw   dis     pythoncom   win32inetcon 
_collections  distutils   pythonselect  win32job 
_compat_pickle  doctest    pywin    win32lz 
_csv    dummy_threading  pywin32_testutil win32net 
_ctypes    dynOptionMenuWidget pywintypes   win32netcon 
_ctypes_test  easy_install  queue    win32pdh 
_datetime   email    quopri    win32pdhquery 
_dummy_thread  encodings   random    win32pdhutil 
_elementtree  errno    rasutil    win32pipe 
_functools   filecmp    re     win32print 
_hashlib   fileinput   regcheck   win32process 
_heapq    fnmatch    regutil    win32profile 
_io     formatter   reprlib    win32ras 
_json    fractions   rlcompleter   win32rcparser 
_locale    ftplib    rpc     win32security 
_lsprof    functools   run     win32service 
_markupbase   gc     runpy    win32serviceutil 
_md5    genericpath   sched    win32timezone 
_msi    getopt    select    win32trace 
_multibytecodec  getpass    servicemanager  win32traceutil 
_multiprocessing gettext    setuptools   win32transaction 
_pickle    glob    shelve    win32ts 
_pyio    gzip    shlex    win32ui 
_random    hashlib    shutil    win32uiole 
_sha1    heapq    signal    win32verstamp 
_sha256    hmac    site    win32wnet 
_sha512    html    smtpd    winerror 
_socket    http    smtplib    winioctlcon 
_sqlite3   idle    sndhdr    winnt 
_sre    idlelib    socket    winperf 
_ssl    idlever    socketserver  winreg 
_string    imaplib    sqlite3    winsound 
_strptime   imghdr    sre_compile   winxpgui 
_struct    imp     sre_constants  winxptheme 
_subprocess   importlib   sre_parse   wsgiref 
_symtable   inspect    ssl     xdrlib 
_testcapi   io     sspi    xml 
_thread    isapi    sspicon    xmlrpc 
_threading_local itertools   stat    xxsubtype 
_tkinter   json    string    zipfile 
_warnings   keybindingDialog stringprep   zipimport 
_weakref   keyword    struct    zlib 
_weakrefset   lib2to3    subprocess   
_win32sysloader  linecache   sunau    
_winxptheme   locale    symbol    

Enter any module name to get more help. Or, type "modules spam" to search 
for modules whose descriptions contain the word "spam". 

Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module> 
    File "C:\Python32\lib\site.py", line 465, in __call__ 
    return pydoc.help(*args, **kwds) 
    File "C:\Python32\lib\pydoc.py", line 1757, in __call__ 
    File "C:\Python32\lib\pydoc.py", line 1769, in interact 
    request = self.getline('help> ') 
    File "C:\Python32\lib\pydoc.py", line 1780, in getline 
    return input(prompt) 
    File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\Pythonwin\pywin\framework\app.py", line 367, in Win32RawInput 
    File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\Pythonwin\pywin\mfc\dialog.py", line 223, in GetSimpleInput 
    if title is None: title=win32ui.GetMainFrame().GetWindowText() 
win32ui.error: The frame does not exist 

'我使用help()然後調用'modules''。請發佈你實際在shell中做的事情。另外,你使用的是什麼版本的Python? – inspectorG4dget


已報告[here](http://bugs.python.org/issue10060) –


我已轉貼終端窗口輸出。這是全新安裝之後。 – Kryptos



我有這個問題也和它與從IDLE中運行的幫助()做的時候你也有pywin32包安裝。該軟件包還安裝了一個使用名爲Pythonwin的Windows MFC窗口構建的編輯器。當你在IDLE中運行help()時,Pythonwin會攔截該調用,就好像它是從Pythonwin調用的一樣,並試圖將標題設置爲不存在的窗口。因此錯誤。
